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一周新聞熱詞榜,一網打盡trending news。CHINADAILY手機報新一期熱詞榜發榜啦!
1. 數字人才
digital talent
Five second-tier cities - Chengdu, Suzhou, Nanjing, Wuhan and Xi'an - displayed an obvious advantage in their digital talent pools over others in the past three years, although Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Hangzhou remain the five leading cities in this area, according to a report.
22日,清華大學經管學院互聯網發展與治理研究中心聯合職場社交平臺領英(LinkedIn)在京發布《中國經濟的數字化轉型:人才與就業》報告。報告顯示,與近幾年頻繁見諸報端的"逃離大城市(flee big cities)"現象有所不同,數字人才(digital talent)的流動依然體現出向一線城市(first-tier cities)聚集的趨勢,上海和深圳是過去三年中數字人才流入最多的城市。
該報告篩選了72萬數字人才,多維度提取用戶畫像并跟蹤其職業軌跡,以此預測不同地區的人才流向(talent flow)、雇傭率(employment rate)、受雇主歡迎的技能(skills favored by employers)等人才趨勢層面的信息。
報告顯示,我國數字人才的分布與數字經濟的發達程度表現出高度一致性(the distribution of digital talents is highly consistent with the development of digital economy),數字人才分布最多的十大城市依次為:上海、北京、深圳、廣州、杭州、成都、蘇州、南京、武漢和西安。
報告顯示,約50%的數字人才分布在信息通信技術(Information Communications Technology, ICT)等基礎產業,其余分布在以制造(manufacturing)、金融(finance)和消費品(consumer goods)為首的傳統行業。
從職能角度而言,目前中國85%以上的數字人才分布在產品研發(product research and development)類,而深度分析(in-depth analysis)、先進制造(advanced manufacturing)、數字營銷(digital marketing)等職能的人才加起來只有不到5%,新興技術人才和創新型人才培養方面存在滯后和不足。
數字經濟 digital economy
數字驅動發展 digital-driven development
人工智能 artificial intelligence
大數據分析 big data analysis
戰略定位 strategic positioning
2. 虐童
child abuse
Police and education authorities in Beijing are probing a child abuse case at the Xintiandi branch of RYB Education Kindergarten, a well-known chain of preschools. This is the latest in a number of similar cases reported recently nationwide.
22日晚,多名北京紅黃藍幼兒園新天地分園孩子家長已到朝陽區管莊派出所報案,稱該園園長和老師涉嫌虐童(child abuse)。家長反映,該幼兒園國際小二班的幼兒遭遇老師扎針(be pricked with needles)、喂不明白色藥片(be fed unidentified white pills),并提供了孩子身上多個針眼(needle mark)的照片。一些家長稱自己孩子遭到性侵(be sexually assaulted)。警方正展開調查和取證(police are investigating and collecting evidence),調查過程有皮膚科醫生(dermatology doctors)和法醫專家(forensic experts)參加,但目前還沒有任何結論(so far no conclusion could be made)。朝陽區教委稱,三名涉事老師已經被停職(three teachers involved have been suspended)。
教育部23日晚表示,已責成地方有關部門立即啟動調查,盡快查清事實真相(find out the truth)。教育部已部署開展幼兒園辦園行為專項督查(special inspection),要求各地教育部門對此類事件一定要引以為戒(learn lessons from such incidents),采取有效措施,切實加強師德師風建設(improve teachers' morality),切實規范辦園行為,切實加大監管督查力度。
事件中的紅黃藍幼兒園9月剛剛在美國紐交所掛牌上市(ring the opening bell on the New York Stock Exchange)。據悉,紅黃藍是中國首家獨立上市的學前教育企業(the first public company in the early childhood education field)。根據Frost&Sullivan的報告,以2016年的年總收入衡量,紅黃藍是中國最大的早期教育服務提供商(China's largest early years education service provider)。
查看監控視頻 view a surveillance video
托育中心 day-care center
教師資格審查 qualification checks on faculty
學前教育產業 preschool education industry
3. 幸福產業
happiness industries
The gross revenue of listed companies in the "happiness industries" reached 624.67 billion yuan in the first three quarters of this year, up 13.91% on a year-on-year basis.
所謂幸福產業(happiness industries),就是旅游、體育、健康、教育培訓和養老等與人民的生活質量和幸福感相關的產業(industries that are related to people's quality of life and sense of well-being, such as tourism, sports, health, education and training, and elderly care)。《羊城晚報》記者梳理108家與幸福產業相關的上市公司(listed company)前三季度業績表現發現,今年前三季度,五大幸福產業均實現了凈利潤(net margin)的整體增長,共有97家企業實現盈利(achieve profitability),比例達到89.81%,凈利潤同比上漲的企業共有71家,占總數的65.74%。
五大幸福產業中,今年前三季度表現最好的是健康產業(the health industry performed best in the first three quarters of this year)。45家相關上市公司整體營業收入同比增長21.7%,凈利潤同比增長35.2%。盈利能力最強的則是體育產業(the sports industry showed the strongest profitability)。統計數據顯示,今年前三季度,27家體育產業相關的上市公司整體實現141.9億元的凈利潤(achieve a net profit of 14.19 billion yuan),平均每家公司實現5.26億元凈利潤,在五大幸福產業中最高。
分析人士認為,國人日益強烈的對美好生活的向往(Chinese people's rising aspirations to live a better life),將為國內的幸福產業提供良好的發展環境(provides a sound development environment for China's happiness industry),而另一方面,這些產業的蓬勃發展和升級,也將進一步提升國人的幸福指數(further improve the happiness index of Chinese people)。
財年 fiscal year
年報 annual report
利潤下降 profit decline
改善民生 improve people's livelihoods
消費升級 consumption upgrade
社會福利 social welfare
4. 維密中國首秀
China debut of Victoria's Secret Fashion Show
The China debut of Victoria's Secret Fashion Show concluded in Shanghai on Monday. It is the first time the US lingerie brand held its annual show outside the US or Europe. The fashion gala offers the public a feast for eyes and has generated animated discussions on social media platforms.
從表演嘉賓(guest performer)接連被曝出局,到超模吉吉·哈迪德等簽證被拒(were denied Chinese visas),"維多利亞的秘密(Victoria's Secret)"中國首秀在舉辦之前就已賺足眼球。20日晚,大秀在上海梅賽德斯奔馳中心拉開帷幕。除了超模們帶來的美輪美奐的內衣秀,奚夢瑤走秀時摔跤(fall while walking on the runway)、王思聰因遲到站著看秀(have to stand while watching the show because he was late)等話題也在國內社交媒體上吸睛無數(grab huge attention on China's social media)。
英國廣播公司報道稱,此次大秀,無論是模特、服飾設計還是表演嘉賓,無一不充滿了中國特色(Chinese characteristics),維密討好中國市場(woo the Chinese market)的意圖顯露無遺。報道稱,維密母公司L Brands去年的年度報告稱中國市場是"最優先級(top priority)",主席萊斯·韋斯納在報告中寫道:"中國市場太大及太重要,我們不能不擁有它(the China market is too big and too important for us not to own it)。"因此,該品牌如此賣力去接觸中國消費者也就不難理解了(it doesn't come as a surprise that the brand is trying so hard to reach out to Chinese consumers)。維密今年在成都及上海分別開設旗艦店(flagship store),售賣包括內衣(underwear)、美妝(beauty products)和配飾(accessories)在內的全線產品。另外,維密去年登陸天貓,從電商及實體店兩路進攻中國市場。
中國內衣市場(lingerie market)到底有多大?市場研究公司英敏特預測,到2020年,中國內衣市場銷售額可達約1480億人民幣。英敏特區域趨勢總監馬修·克拉布稱,在中國辦秀是一招妙棋(staging a show in China is a smart move)。克拉布稱,中國內衣市場有高端化的明顯趨勢(a clear trend towards higher end brands)。在中國舉辦活動,是在競爭激烈的市場里提高消費者意識的好辦法(holding an event in China is a great way to raise consumer awareness in a highly competitive market)。
僅面向受邀者的 invitation-only
后臺 backstage
走秀 strut down the catwalk
夢幻內衣 Fantasy Bra
5. 社交媒體之王
king of social media
Ma Huateng, founder of Tencent, has displaced Mark Zuckerberg to become the king of social media, according to a CNN report.
今年以來,馬化騰創建的科技巨頭騰訊股價表現強勁,已上漲了一倍多。20日,騰訊市值突破5000億美元大關(break through the $500 billion market capitalization barrier),成為內地和全亞洲首個市值破5000億美元,比肩蘋果、Alphabet、微軟、亞馬遜等業界巨頭(industry titan)的公司。21日,騰訊股票上漲2.38%,報收于430港元,創下歷史新高(Tencent shares rose by 2.38% to finish at another high of HK$430)。由此,騰訊市值達到40845億港元,約合5228.9億美元,超過臉書成為全球第五大市值公司(the fifth-largest company around the world in terms of market value)。CNN發文稱,真正的"社交媒體之王(king of social media)"已非扎克伯格,而是中國的馬化騰。
騰訊旗下擁有中國以及海外華人社會廣泛使用的社交平臺(social platform)微信,月活躍用戶已近10億,他們可以通過微信聊天、發布照片(post photos)、玩游戲、轉賬(transfer money)以及為各種服務付費(pay for a variety of services),日發送信息量達380億條(exchange 38 billion messages each day)。法新社報道稱,微信改革了中國的科技行業、乃至數百萬中國人的日常生活(WeChat has revolutionized China's tech industry and even daily life for millions of Chinese)。微信二維碼在中國的商店、餐館無處不在(WeChat's QR codes are ubiquitous in China's shops and restaurants),甚至水果攤、小吃攤上都擺著收款的微信二維碼。就連媒體和出版行業也感受到中國人消費內容和為內容付費方式的改變(even the media and publishing sectors have seen changes to how Chinese consume and pay for content),數百萬的微信賬號直接向關注者發布內容(millions of WeChat accounts publishing content directly to their followers)。
騰訊最新手游《光榮使命》也支撐了其股價的迅猛上漲(the meteoric rise of Tencent's share price was also buoyed by its new mobile game Glorious Mission)。預計這款游戲將"接棒"最吸金手游(top-grossing mobile game)《王者榮耀》,成為這家社交媒體和游戲巨頭的下一個增長點(growth engine)。第三季度,《王者榮耀》幫助騰訊智能手機游戲營收(Tencent's revenue from smartphone games)實現了84%的同比增長。
移動支付平臺 mobile payment platform
即時通訊應用 instant-messaging app
視頻游戲 video game
社交網絡 social networks
無現金社會 cashless society
(來源:CHINADAILY手機報 編輯:丹妮)
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