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中國日報網 2017-10-31 09:03





黨的十九大 the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC)

習近平總書記代表十八屆中央委員會向大會作了題為《決勝全面建成小康社會 奪取新時代中國特色社會主義偉大勝利》(Secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and strive for the great success of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era)的報告。


Remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind, hold high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, strive for the great success of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and work tirelessly to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.


With decades of hard work, socialism with Chinese characteristics has crossed the threshold into a new era. This is a new historic juncture in China's development.

The Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era makes certain things clear:

It makes clear that the overarching goal of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics is to realize socialist modernization and national rejuvenation, and, on the basis of finishing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, a two-step approach should be taken to build China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful by the middle of the century.

It makes clear that the principal contradiction facing Chinese society in the new era is that between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people's ever-growing needs for a better life. We must therefore continue commitment to our people-centered philosophy of development, and work to promote well-rounded human development and common prosperity for everyone.

It makes clear that the overall plan for building socialism with Chinese characteristics is the five-sphere integrated plan, and the overall strategy is the four-pronged comprehensive strategy. It highlights the importance of fostering stronger confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

It makes clear that the overall goal of deepening reform in every field is to improve and develop the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and modernize China's system and capacity for governance.

It makes clear that the overall goal of comprehensively advancing law-based governance is to establish a system of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics and build a country of socialist rule of law.

It makes clear that the Party's goal of building a strong military in the new era is to build the people's forces into world-class forces that obey the Party's command, can fight and win, and maintain excellent conduct.

It makes clear that major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics aims to foster a new type of international relations and build a community with a shared future for mankind.

It makes clear that the defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the leadership of the Communist Party of China; the greatest strength of the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the leadership of the Communist Party of China; the Party is the highest force for political leadership. The Thought sets forth the general requirements for Party building in the new era and underlines the importance of political work in Party building.

The Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era builds on and further enriches Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development.

It represents the latest achievement in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context, and encapsulates the practical experience and collective wisdom of our Party and the people.

It is an important component of the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and a guide to action for all our members and all the Chinese people as we strive to achieve national rejuvenation. This Thought must be adhered to and steadily developed on a long-term basis.

As socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, the principal contradiction facing Chinese society has evolved. What we now face is the contradiction between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people's ever-growing needs for a better life.

Based on a comprehensive analysis of the international and domestic environments and the conditions for China's development, we have drawn up a two-stage development plan for the period from 2020 to the middle of this century.

In the first stage from 2020 to 2035, we will build on the foundation created by the moderately prosperous society with a further 15 years of hard work to see that socialist modernization is basically realized.

In the second stage from 2035 to the middle of the 21st century, we will, building on having basically achieved modernization, work hard for a further 15 years and develop China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful.

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) concluded at the Great Hall of the People Tuesday, after a new CPC Central Committee and a new Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) were elected. Delegates to the congress also passed resolutions on a report of the 18th CPC Central Committee, a work report of the CCDI and an amendment to the CPC Constitution. The amendment approved at the congress enshrines Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

隱私面單 privacy waybill

Chinese express delivery companies have taken a new measure to protect the privacy of customers, by using new parcel waybills that show partial information about the sender and the receiver.

所謂“隱私面單”(privacy waybill),是指面單上并不完整顯示收件人的信息,而是通過技術手段將用戶的手機號、姓名和地址等信息做加密處理(customers' information including names, addresses, and phone numbers are encrypted),快遞員通過公司自主研發的APP,直接撥號聯系到收件用戶。

On the parcel waybills, names, phone numbers and addresses are shown only partially, with signs such as "(^_^)" or "*" being used to take the place of some of the details.

為了減少個人信息“裸奔”(personal information displayed without any protection),隱私面單已經成為諸多快遞企業的選擇。順豐上線“豐密運單”,菜鳥網絡也聯手EMS、百世快遞等,共同推動使用“隱私面單”。京東則推出了“微笑面單”(smiling waybill)。

自然指數 Nature Index

Beijing tops the list of cities for research output while Shanghai ranks the fifth, according to Nature Index 2017 Science Cities supplement released on Thursday, reports Xinhua.

Nature Index 2017 Science Cities supplement has tracked counts of research output of 500 cities worldwide in the last year.

自然指數(Nature Index)是依托于全球68本頂級期刊,統計各高校、科研院所(國家)在國際上最具影響力的研究型學術期刊上發表論文數量的數據庫(a database of author affiliation information collated from research articles in the most influential journals around the world)。

“2017自然指數-科研城市”分析了全球500個城市的科研產出(research output)數據,通過加權分數式計量(weighted fractional count,WFC),統計出了全球科研產出最高的十大城市,北京以1693的分值奪得冠軍,隨后是巴黎、紐約、劍橋(美國馬薩諸塞州)、上海、東京、倫敦、波士頓、圣迭哥、劍橋(英國)。這十大城市貢獻了全球科研產出的17%。

網聯 China Nets Union Clearing Corporation

More than 20 payment institutions and banks have connected to a unified clearing platform set up by Payment & Clearing Association of China.

網聯全稱“網聯清算有限公司”(China Nets Union Clearing Corporation),是一個線上支付統一清算平臺(unified clearing platform for online payment),在央行指導下,由中國支付清算協會(Payment & Clearing Association of China)組織支付機構成立,用以處理由非銀行支付機構發起的、與銀行交互的支付業務,按照“共建、共有、共享”原則(under the principle of joint set-up,ownership and sharing)共同發起籌建。網聯平臺的上線運行,為支付機構提供了統一、公共的支付清算服務。

網聯清算有限公司注冊資金(registered capital)20億元,股東總數45家(45 shareholders),“央行系”為第一大股東,7家有央行或外管局背景的股東合計持股37%,其中38家為第三方支付機構(third-party payment institutions)。

達摩院 DAMO Academy

The investment of 100 billion yuan over three years in the Alibaba DAMO Academy takes the internet giant one step closer to fulfilling its ambition to serve 2 billion people in two decades, said Alibaba Group's chairman Jack Ma.

11日,阿里巴巴集團宣布成立全球研究院(global research academy)阿里巴巴達摩院,以吸引頂級科學家進行基礎科學(basic science)和顛覆式技術創新(disruptive technological innovation)研究。未來3年,阿里巴巴在技術研發(research and development)上的投入將超過1000億人民幣。達摩院的英文名為DAMO Academy,DAMO是"發現、冒險、動力和前景(discovery, adventure, momentum and outlook)"英文首字母縮寫。阿里巴巴首席技術官(Chief Technology Officer, CTO)張建鋒將擔任達摩院院長(head of the Academy)。

達摩院由全球實驗室、高校聯合研究所和全球前沿創新研究計劃三部分組成。達摩院將首先在中國、美國、俄羅斯、以色列和新加坡建立7家實驗室,重點研究數據智能(data intelligence)、物聯網(Internet of Things)、金融科技(fintech)、量子計算(quantum computing)和人機交互(human-machine interaction)等領域。達摩院正在全球招募100名優秀研究人員(recruit 100 talented researchers from around the world)。

達摩院還將成立一個學術咨詢委員會(academic advisory board),對實驗室的研究方向(research direction)、重點研究領域(key research area)、重大任務和目標等提供指導和建議(provide guidance and advice)。首批公布的學術咨詢委員會10人中,有三位中國兩院院士(three academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering)、五位美國科學院院士,包括世界人工智能(artificial intelligence)泰斗邁克爾·I·喬丹(Michael I. Jordan)、分布式計算(distributed computing)大家李凱和人類基因組計劃(Human Genome Project)負責人喬治·M·丘奇(George M. Church)等。

聯合國教科文組織 the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

The US has formally notified UNESCO that it is withdrawing its membership of the organization citing "continuing anti-Israel bias".

聯合國教科文組織(the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO)成立于1945年11月,總部設在巴黎,目前有195個成員國(member state)和10個準成員國(associate member)。其宗旨是促進教育、科學及文化改革方面的國際合作(promote international collaboration through educational, scientific, and cultural reforms),以利于各國人民之間的相互了解,維護世界和平。

美國國務院在當日發布的一項聲明中稱,美國決定退出聯合國教科文組織的主要考慮包括不斷增加的欠費(mounting arrears)、該組織需要根本性改革(the need for fundamental reform)及對該組織"針對以色列的持續偏見(continuing anti-Israel bias)"。

對于美國的退出決定,聯合國教科文組織總干事伊琳娜·博科娃表示"非常遺憾(profound regret)"。她表示,這不僅僅與世界遺產有關(this is not just about World Heritage),美國的退出是"聯合國大家庭的損失(a loss to the United Nations family),也是多邊主義(multilateralism)的損失"。聯合國秘書長古特雷斯對美國的決定也"深表遺憾",不過他表示,聯合國將通過一系列組織在一系列問題上與美國進行卓有成效的溝通(interact with the US very productively on a range of issues through a range of organizations)。

行為經濟學之父 father of behavioral economics

The 2017 Nobel Prize in economics was awarded to US economist Richard H. Thaler, the father of behavioral economics. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said in its statement that Thaler has incorporated psychologically realistic assumptions into analyses of economic decision-making.

塞勒通過探索"有限理性(limited rationality)"、"社會偏好(social preferences)"、"自制力缺乏(lack of self-control)"等因素的影響,揭示了這些人性特征(human traits)對個體選擇和市場結果產生的系統性影響,被稱為"行為經濟學之父(father of behavioral economics)"。諾貝爾經濟學獎委員會稱,塞勒的研究成果成功地將經濟學和心理學整合在一起,讓經濟學更人性化(make economics more human)。他的理論"幫助人們做出更好的經濟決策(help people make better economic decisions)"。

塞勒提出:人們在進行經濟活動時,并不像傳統經濟學理論中認為的那樣理性(rational)。譬如,人們擁有某件東西時,會比沒有的時候更高估其價值(people value the same item more highly when they own it than when they don't);往往做出最容易的選擇,而不是最明智的選擇(often choose what is easiest over what is wisest);容易聚焦于單個決策的狹隘影響,而不是它們的總體效果(focus on the narrow impact of each individual decision rather than its overall effect)。

脈沖星 pulsar

After one year of trial operation, China's Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), the world's largest single-dish radio telescope, has identified multiple pulsars, the National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC) said Tuesday.

Two of the pulsars, named J1859-01 and J1931-01, are 16,000 light years and 4,100 light years from Earth with rotation periods of 1.83 seconds and 0.59 seconds, respectively.

據科學家介紹,脈沖星(pulsar)是一種高速自轉的中子星(neutron star),由恒星演化和超新星爆發產生。它的密度極高(super density),每立方厘米重達上億噸,一塊方糖大小就相當于地球上一萬艘萬噸巨輪的重量。脈沖星自轉速度很快(fast rotational speed)、自轉周期精確(accurate rotation period),是宇宙中最精準的時鐘。這一特殊“本領”,讓脈沖星在計時、引力波探測(finding gravitational waves)、航天器導航(navigating spacecraft)等領域具有重要應用。

這兩顆脈沖星J1859-01和J1931-01分別由“中國天眼”于今年8月22日、25日在南天銀道面(the southern galactic plane)通過漂移掃描(drift-scanning)發現。目前“天眼”已探測到數十個優質脈沖星候選體(promising pulsar candidates),其中6顆通過國際認證。

對于觀測范圍可達已知宇宙邊緣的“天眼”來說,發現脈沖星只是使命之一,未來,它還將在中性氫觀測(neutral hydrogen observation)、譜線觀測(spectrum observation)、尋找可能的星際通訊信號(exploration of interstellar communication signals)等方面大放異彩。

《戰狼2》 Wolf Warrior 2

The mega-hit action film Wolf Warrior 2 has been selected to represent China in the bid for the Best Foreign Language Film at next year's Oscars.

With more than 5.6 billion yuan (842 million US dollars) at the box office, "Wolf Warrior 2" is the highest grossing film of all-time in Chinese cinema history. It is expected to end its run in cinemas on October 28.


China has selected Wu Jing's action film "Wolf Warrior 2" as its entry in the best foreign-language film category at next year's Oscars.


The mega-hit action film Wolf Warrior 2 has been selected to represent China in the bid for the Best Foreign Language Film at next year's Oscars.

我們知道bid有“投標,競標”的意思,這里的in the bid for就表示“參與角逐、競爭”之意。

China has selected mega-blockbuster Wolf Warrior II as its submission for the best foreign-language film category at the 2018 Oscars.


另一部“慰安婦”題材的中國電影《二十二》此前已報名參選本屆奧斯卡紀錄片單元(compete for the best documentary award)。

(中國日報網英語點津 馬文英)

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