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4. 醫改
healthcare reform
The Beijing Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning has announced it will implement comprehensive healthcare reforms beginning on April 8.
根據22日發布的《北京市醫藥分開綜合改革實施方案》,4月8日起,北京市內3600多家醫院和醫療機構(more than 3,600 hospitals and medical institutions in the city)將全面取消藥品加成(markups on drug prices, medicine markups),統一實施藥品陽光采購(mandate transparent drug purchase),設立醫事服務費(medical service fee),并對435個醫療服務項目價格進行調整(adjust prices of 435 medical services)。
此前藥品加成比例高達15%(drug prices were previously marked up by as much as 15%)。北京市將通過公開招標選擇供藥企業(choose medicine suppliers by open bids),并全面公開藥品和生產企業信息(have drug and producer information fully disclosed)。
醫療服務項目價格將進行有升有降的調整并重新規范。重點提高針灸(acupuncture)、手術、護理(nursing)等某些涉及醫務人員經驗、技術和人力(experience, skills and labor of medical staff)的項目價格,降低CT(computed tomography)、核磁共振(nuclear magnetic resonance)等大型儀器設備(large instruments and equipment)檢查項目價格。
根據方案,參加改革的醫療機構將全部取消掛號費和診療費(registration and treatment fees),設立醫事服務費。以三級醫院為例,門診醫事服務費從普通門診(outpatient)50元到知名專家100元不等,醫保報銷40元(medical insurance will cover RMB40 of the fee),北京市醫保參保人員報銷不受起付線和封頂線限制。
北京市衛計委主任方來英表示,此次改革旨在破除"以藥養醫"的體制(the system of covering hospital expenses with drug sales),從而實現"醫藥分開(separate medical treatment and drug sales)",降低病患就醫成本。據衛生部門測算,北京全市醫療費用總量將保持平衡(remain balanced),患者費用負擔沒有增加(no increased burden on patients)。
診療費 consultation fee
公立醫院 public hospital
醫療支出 health expenditure
基本醫療保險制度 basic medical insurance system
大病醫保 critical illness insurance program
報銷 reimbursement
因病致貧 fall into poverty because of illnesses
上一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(3.11-17)
下一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(3.25-31)
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