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Shanghai Disneyland holds a parade for visitors on Wednesday during a trial run before the amusement park opens to the general public on June 16.[Photo/Xinhua] |
trial run
Shanghai Disney Resort opened its gates to some visitors in a trial run in preparation for its official opening on June 16.
文中的trial run就指"測試運行"。這個短語也可以表示"試車",trial意思是測試的、試用的,比如trial version(試用版),做名詞還可以表示法庭審訊,例如:New evidence showed the police lied at the trial.(新的證據表明警方在審訊時撒了謊。)
據報道,雖然運營測試階段僅向受邀者(invited visitors)開放,但仍吸引了大批市民前往。不過評價并不"樂觀",不少民眾"吐槽"消費貴。據稱,一家三口一日游的最低預算要2600元(a one-day visit to the resort for a family of three will cost at least RMB2,600),二日游(a two-day trip/visit)的最低預算則需6000元。
迪士尼樂園平日門票(a ticket of weekdays)價格為370元,以兩個大人帶一個小孩的三口之家來算,門票價格約為1020元(admission will cost about RMB1,020 for a family of two adults and one child)。如果行程安排在節假日(weekends or holidays),則要1373元。如果一家三口兩日游,平日價格為1938元、節假日則需花費約2610元。
住宿方面(as for accommodation),盡管上海迪士尼樂園酒店尚未公布其客房價格(the resort has yet to announce the price in its hotel rooms),但參考美國迪士尼酒店,住宿最便宜折合人民幣將近1980元。離上海迪士尼樂園不遠的便捷酒店(nearby buget hotels)價格約為300元到800元。
而園內80元一份的芝士牛肉漢堡(a beef burger with cheese),60元一個的兒童熱狗(a child-sized hot dog)或一份扒雞柳配米飯(braised chicken fillet with rice),65元一桶的爆米花(popcorn),15元一杯的百事可樂,10元一個的蝦餃(shrimp dumpling),以及250元一份的雙人套餐,更成為廣大網友的"吐槽"對象。
一些消費者認為,迪士尼定價必須要考慮一個家庭的需求(the demand of a family),因為有兒童的家長大多是上班族(workers),不太可能平日游玩,以門票為例,就只能看齊高峰(peak days),將近500元的定價確實顯得不合理。
住宿 accommodation
餐飲 dining and drinks
入場券/門票 admission tickets
主題公園 theme park
游樂園 amusement park
旋轉木馬 merry-go-round
過山車 roller coaster
摩天輪 ferris wheel
上一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(4.4-4.8)
下一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(5.14-20)
Email: languagetips@chinadaily.com.cn