據說,很多偉大的思想和理論都是科學家和思想家們在洗澡、睡覺或吃飯時突然想到的。我們普通人在洗澡、發呆時也會有很多奇思妙想,這些思想就叫shower thought。
Shower thought is a loose term that applies to any thought you might have while carrying out a routine task like showering, driving, or daydreaming.
Shower thought(浴中哲思)其實是一個泛指,可以用來指代你在沐浴、開車或者做白日夢等一些常規事物的時候產生的一些想法。
以下是Reddit網站推出的shower thought頁面上,網友留下的一些奇思妙想:
It would be so easy (to) kidnap someone who is waiting for the bus. I just need a bus.
I am technically considered an illiterate in every country that doesn't speak English.
Aliens could already be observing Earth, but their ships look like clouds...
Maybe the reason we teach grade schoolers information that won't be retained or applicable later in life is because memory is generally limited at early ages and useless information helps keep the brain fresh while not allocating memory.
Spring is a lie! It is a conspiracy started by the floral industry to sell more flowers.
Why do some clothes come in extra-small, and extra-large sizes, but never extra-medium?
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)