英國當代文壇名家詹妮特?溫特森(Jeanette Winterson) 讀者見面會
英國當代文壇最好也是最具爭議性的作家之一詹妮特?溫特森(Jeanette Winterson)將攜手Susie Orbach首度來到中國,與廣大讀者見面交流,絕對不容錯失!
時間: 2011年8月21日,周日19:00-21:00
地點: 上海展覽中心西陽光棚
時間: 2011年8月22日,周一19:00-21:00
地點: 民生現代美術館
英國嘉賓:珍妮特?溫特森、Susie Orbach
時間: 2011年8月24日,周三 16:00-18:00
地點: 回聲書吧
英國嘉賓:珍妮特?溫特森、Susie Orbach
時間: 2011年8月28日,周日15:00-17:00
地點: 單向街書店
關于珍妮特?溫特森(Jeanette Winterson)
珍妮特?溫特森迄今共出版了十部作品,包括《橘子不是唯一的水果》、《激情》、《給櫻桃以性別》、《寫在身體上》、《蘋果筆記本》、《世界和其它星球》、《藝術與謊言》、《藝術物體》、《守望燈塔》等,此外,她還撰寫過一些兒童文學、劇本和期刊文章。喬納森?開普(Jonathan Cape)出版社將于今年十月出版她最新的回憶錄作品Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal 。2006年,珍妮特?溫特森以其杰出的文學成就而被授予英國帝國勛章(OBE)。她所獲獎項包括約翰?盧埃林?賴斯獎、E.M?福斯特獎以及法國嘎納最佳劇本獎等。
關于Susie Orbach
Susie Orbach是一名心理治療師和作家,她與路易絲?愛森堡(Luise Eichenbaum)在1976年共同創立了位于倫敦的女性治療中心,并于1981年設立了紐約治療中心。作為倫敦經濟學院的訪問教授,Susie的講座遍布歐洲及北美,她的咨詢對象包括個人、配偶及組織。Susie經常出現在報紙、雜志以及廣播電視節目中。
? Fat is a Feminist Issue, 1978
? Fat is a Feminist Issue II, 1982
? What's Really Going on Here, 1993
? Towards Emotional Literacy ,1999
? The Impossibility of Sex,1999
? Susie Orbach on Eating, 2001
與路易絲?愛森堡(Luise Eichenbaum)合著作品:
? Understanding Women: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Account, 1982
? What Do Women Want: Exploding the Myth of Dependency, 1983
? Bittersweet: Love, Competition and Envy in Women's Relationships, 1986
Conversation between Jeanette Winterson and Susie Orbach
One of the best and most discussed contemporary British writer Jeanette Winterson is going to China with British psychotherapist and writer Susie Orbach for the first time to have a face-to-face communication with their readers.
Jeanette Winterson and Her Novel World: discussion, reading, Q&A with media and readers
Host: Cultural and Education Section of the British Consulate-General
Shanghai Book Fair
Date: 19:00-21:00 Sunday, 21 August 2011
Venue: The West Sun Studio of the Shanghai Exhibition Centre
Women and Writing
Host: Cultural and Education Section of the British Consulate-General
Shanghai Insight Communication Co., Ltd
Li New Writing
British guest: Jeanette Winterson & Susie Orbach
Date: 19:00 - 21:00 Monday, 22 August 2011
Venue: Minsheng Art Museum
Women and Writing
Host: Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy
British guest: Jeanette Winterson & Susie Orbach
Date: 16:00-18:00 Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Venue: Echo Book Bar
Women and Writing
Host: Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy
British guest: Jeanette Winterson & Susie Orbach
Chinese guest: Li Yinhe
Date: 15:00 - 17:00 Sunday, 28 August 2011
Venue: Onewaystreet Library
About Jeanette Winterson
Jeanette Winterson OBE is the author of ten novels, including Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit, The Passion, Sexing the Cherry and Written on the Body, a book of short stories, The World and Other Places, a collection of essays, Art Objects as well as many other works, including
children’s books, screenplays and journalism. Her eagerly anticipated memoir Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal is being published by Jonathan Cape in October of this year. In 2006 she was awarded an OBE for services to literature and her writing has won the John Llewellyn Rhys Memorial Prize, the E.M. Forster Award and the Prix d’argent at Cannes Film Festival.
About Susie Orbach
Susie Orbach is a psychotherapist and writer. With Luise Eichenbaum she co-founded The Women's Therapy Centre in London in 1976 and in 1981 The Women's Therapy Centre Institute in New York. She lectures extensively in Europe and North America, is a visiting Professor at the London School of Economics, and has a practice seeing individuals and couples and consulting to organizations. She is a frequent contributor to newspapers and magazines, as well as to radio and television programmes.
Her other books include Fat is a Feminist Issue (1978), Fat is a Feminist Issue II (1982), What's Really Going on Here (1993), Towards Emotional Literacy (1999), The Impossibility of Sex (1999) and Susie Orbach on Eating (2001). With Luise Eichenbaum she has written Understanding Women: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Account (Penguin, 1982), What Do Women Want: Exploding the Myth of Dependency (1983) and Bittersweet: Love, Competition and Envy in Women's Relationships (1986).