Assistant:I know. It's pretty amazing. Home theater, satellite TV. And at night, with the lights down low...let's just say this place is pretty mind-blowing.
Jake: Uh, yeah, it's pre... it's pretty mind... you know, in broad daylight.
Assistant: Well, the band is down the hall. The bar and the fridge are fully stocked. Oh, and just so you know, D.M.R. Is a really nice place to work. You know, like at some companies they don't allow employees to date each other? Here they do.
Jake: Date?
Assistant: That'd be great! I'm free all weekend. Hey, you don't mind if the girl pays, do ya? Some guys have this weird hang-up. Ooh, gotta split. I'm late for my erotic massage class. Catch you later, Spider-Man.
Jake: Erotic massage.
Ashley: Guys, thank you for letting me stay here. Not only don't I have money...but the dragon lady's blackballed me from every firm in the city.
Dana: Well, why don't you phone your parents?
Ashley: And admit defeat? No way.
Dana: Yeah.
Ashley: So, where should I sleep?
Maggie: In your room.
Ashley: My room?
Dana: Mm-hmm. See, Maggie's room is right here above the kitchen.
Maggie: Thanks. And Dana's is a Jennifer Convertible.
Dana: Yeah, so your options are the La-Z-Boy. Soft and sturdy. And my personal favorite, the fabulous futon. Hmm?
Ashley: Perfect. Well, I'll keep out of your way, and you guys won't even know I'm here. Blow-dryer?
Dana: Oh, yeah. On top of the radiator.
Ashley: Thanks. I never noticed. Is your cat all black?
Maggie: Yeah. Why? - Just curious.
Ashley: Well, this is nice. We'll have fun. Everything's gonna be... Oh, my God!
Dana: What?
Ashley: I have a zit. I have a zit.! Girls, I have a zit.!
Dana: Ash, are you okay in there?
Ashley: Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, wow!
Dana: Ashley! Ash.!
Man: Okay, who's the idiot?
Woman: Nice work.!
Dana: Ash? Are you okay, Ash? Hold tight. Hold on. Sweetie?
Ashley: I broke a mirror. I broke a mirror. I know. I mean, guys, what is going on with me? know, I can't take seven more years of this. Ever since this masquerade bash, it's like I'm the anti-Midas...and everything I touch turns to crap.
Dana: Okay, Ashley, calm down, all right? For some reason, the fates have dealt you a lousy hand. But the wheel always spins back. Right?
Miss Braden: You're fired.
Ashley: Oh, my God. I need to borrow some clothes.
1. home theater: 家庭影院。而home theater personal computer(HTPC)就是我們常說的能播放高清視頻的“家庭影院電腦”。