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[ 2007-12-28 16:00 ]


文化面面觀  馬丁尼——雞尾酒名品

考考你   小試牛刀




Waiter: She's some kind of newspaper columnist. Comes in here once in a while. Great tipper.

Alex: What's her drink?

Waiter: Usually beer. Tonight, Grey Goose martini, dirty.

Chip: Hi. I noticed your glass was getting low so I took the liberty of bringing you another apple martini.

Sara: Thank you.

Chip: And I couldn't help but notice you look a lot like my next girlfriend.

Sara: What's your name?

Chip: They call me Chip.

Sara: You can't get them to stop?

Chip: That was funny.

Sara: Listen, Chip, I understand the courage it takes to walk across a room and try to generate a relationship out of thin air. So don't take the following personally.

Chip: You have fantastic eyes.

Sara: Thanks. Try to listen. This is no reflection on you. I'm just not interested. But thank you for the compliment of coming over.

Chip: You're welcome. So do you like Cuban food?

Sara: Chip, seriously, that was not code for "I wish you'd try harder."

Chip: Are you always so shut-down and afraid that the right man might make you--

Alex: Feel like a natural woman? Sorry I'm late, honey. I couldn't get a cab. How was the meeting?

Sara: Oh, well, there was a, a beginning, a middle, and an end. Nice to meet you, Chip.

Chip: You, too.

Alex: On the one hand, it is very difficult for a man to even speak to someone who looks like you. But on the other hand, should that be your problem?

Sara: So life's kind of hard all around.

Alex: Well, not if you pay attention. I mean you're sending all the right signals: no earrings, heels under two inches, your hair is pulled back, you’re wearing reading glasses but no book, drinking a Grey Goose martini which means you hada hell of a week and a beer just wouldn't do it. And if that wasn't clear enough, there's always the "fuck off" that you have stamped on your forehead. Because who’s wanna believe there's a man out there that can sit down beside a woman he doesn't know and genuinely be interested in who she is, what she does, without his own agenda?

Sara: I wouldn't even know what that would look like. So what would a guy like that say?

Alex: Well, he'd say, "My name is Alex Hitchens and I'm a consultant."


1. Take the liberty of

這個片語的意思是“Act on one's own authority without permission from another,不經別人允許擅自做某事”,例如:I took the liberty of moving the papers from your desk — I hope you don't mind. 我擅自把你桌上的紙拿走了,我希望你不要介意。這里Chip 的意思就是“我自作主張給你買了一杯蘋果馬蒂尼。”

這個片語還可以寫成是 take the liberty to,to在這里作為不定式的形式,例如:He took the liberty to address the Governor by her first name. 他擅自稱呼總統的名字。

2. Out of thin air

這個片語從字面上看上去是“來自于空氣”,意思就是“無中生有,來源不明 from an unknown place or source”,例如:She made up this excuse out of thin air. 她的借口純粹是無中生有。The car appeared out of thin air. 車不知從哪里來的。

3. This is no reflection on you.

和前一句 So don't take the following personally. 的意思差不多,意為“不是針對你個人的”。

4. A hell of a

Hell 這個詞本來指“地獄”,常被用來加重語氣,a hell of a 就表示“極惡劣的,不象樣的,使人受不了的”,比如:a hell of a day 倒霉透頂的一天。


文化面面觀  馬丁尼——雞尾酒名品

考考你   小試牛刀

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