每日一詞∣線上職業技能培訓 online vocational skills training
中國日報網 2020-03-04 09:59
China has issued a circular to encourage online vocational skills training to improve workers' professional skills from 2020 to 2021. The circular was released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance.
近日,人力資源社會保障部、財政部共同印發《人力資源和社會保障部 財政部關于實施職業技能提升行動“互聯網+職業技能培訓計劃”的通知》(人社部發〔2020〕10號)。《通知》針對新型冠狀病毒感染肺炎疫情防控工作要求,立足經濟社會發展和就業創業需要,明確了實施“互聯網+職業技能培訓計劃”的目標任務。2020年,實現“511”線上培訓目標:征集遴選50家以上面向全國的優質線上職業技能培訓平臺,推出覆蓋100個以上職業(工種)的數字培訓資源,全年開展100萬人次以上的線上職業技能培訓;到2021年,健全“互聯網+職業技能培訓”管理服務工作模式,構建線上培訓資源充足、線上線下融合銜接、政策支持保障有力、監管有序到位的工作格局,進一步擴大線上培訓規模,提高線上培訓質量。
More efforts should be made to improve the system for training, employing, evaluating and motivating skilled workers, develop technical education, carry out vocational training on a large scale, and accelerate the training of a large number of high-quality workers and skilled technical personnel.
quality workers
new occupation population
integration of enterprises with vocational schools and universities