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浙江出臺信用“污點”修復辦法 滿足三個條件可“洗白”

中國日報網 2019-02-12 11:34



A Chinese resident shows her bank cards. [Photo/IC]


The Development and Reform Commission of Zhejiang province recently issued a regulation that stipulates the conditions and procedures for individuals and organizations hoping to repair their bad credit records.

信用記錄(credit records)與我們生活中的各種行為相關,信用卡以及銀行貸款是否按時還款、水電燃氣等生活費用是否按時繳納、乘坐飛機火車出行是否有違規行為等都可能影響到我們的信用記錄,良好的信用記錄(good credit records)可能會讓我們享受到一些優惠和便利,而不良信用記錄(bad credit records)則可能讓我們寸步難行。

所以,信用修復(repair bad credit records/credit repair)就是讓有不良信用記錄的單位和個人有機會糾正失信行為,并最終消除失信記錄(eliminate bad credit records)。



行政處理決定和司法裁判等明確的法定責任和義務履行完畢(completely fulfill the administrative decision or judicial judgment they have been given),社會不良影響基本消除(eliminate their bad social influence);

各省級公共信用信息提供單位可結合本行業實際制定不良信息修復期限(the time limit for repairing a credit record),但原則上自不良信息認定之日起修復期限應滿1年及以上;

自不良信息認定之日起至申請信用修復期間未產生新的記入信用檔案的同類不良信息(have no new bad credit recorded)。

根據《辦法》的規定,不良信息主體(individuals and organizations with bad credit records)向作出不良信息認定的公共信用信息提供單位提出信用修復申請。不良信息修復后,不再作為負面信息使用(the negative information will be eliminated from credit report after repairing)。


《社會信用體系建設規劃綱要(2014—2020年)》指出,社會信用體系(social credit system)是社會主義市場經濟體制和社會治理體制的重要組成部分(an important component of the Socialist market economy system and the social governance system)。它以法律、法規、標準和契約為依據(founded on laws, regulations, standards and charters),以健全覆蓋社會成員的信用記錄和信用基礎設施網絡為基礎(based on a complete network covering the credit records of members of society and credit infrastructure),以信用信息合規應用和信用服務體系為支撐(supported by the lawful application of credit information and a credit services system)的誠信意識和信用水平。


誠信政府 good faith government
信用黑名單制度 credit blacklist system
社會信用體系 social credit system
信用記錄 credit records
信用評分系統 credit rating system
國家企業信用數據庫 national enterprise credit data bank
消費者和商業信用評分 consumer and business credit scoring
信用風險 credit risks

(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)

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