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Nine films to watch in August
2. 《難以忽視的真相2》(An Inconvenient Sequel)
Al Gore's follow-up to his 2006 climate change documentary may be even hotter property – no pun intended. Although it screened at the Sundance Film Festival in January – BBC Culture critic Sam Adams gave it three stars out of five – An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power has, according to The Wrap, been re-edited to feature Donald Trump and his controversial decision to remove the US from the Paris Agreement on climate change. Much of the original cut remains in the final version, though – it's primarily concerned with Gore's efforts to petition government officials and corporate executives to invest more heavily in renewable energy. Released in the US on 4 August, in Singapore on 17 August and in New Zealand on 24 August.
阿爾?戈爾的這部新紀錄片可能會比他2006年的氣候變化紀錄片《難以忽視的真相》更火——沒開玩笑。《難以忽視的真相2:權力的真相》1月已在圣丹斯電影節首映,當時BBC文化欄目評論家山姆?亞當斯給了三星評分。但據The Wrap新聞報道,為了突出特朗普及其讓美國退出《巴黎氣候變化協定》這一極具爭議的決定,影片進行了重新剪輯。不過最終版本還是保留了很多原版鏡頭,主要記錄了戈爾向政府官員和企業家請愿,要求增加對可再生能源投入。影片已于8月4日在美國上映,并將于8月17日登陸新加坡,24日登陸新西蘭。
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