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中國日報網 2017-08-01 08:23



收費公路債券 toll road bond

China will issue local toll road bonds this year to standardize local government's financing for toll roads, according to an official statement released by the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Transport on Wednesday.

根據財政部、交通運輸部印發的《地方政府收費公路專項債券管理辦法(試行)》,地方政府收費公路(toll road, tollway)專項債券是地方政府專項債券的一個品種,是指地方政府為發展政府收費公路舉借,以項目對應并納入政府性基金預算管理的車輛通行費收入、專項收入償還的專項債券(special-purpose bond)。

過去地方發展收費公路主要有兩種模式,一種是由社會投資者運用BOT(build-operate-transfer,建設-經營-轉讓)等經營性模式建設,另一種是由縣級以上交通運輸部門采用"貸款修路、收費還貸(borrow loans from banks for road construction and pay back the loans with toll collections)"模式建設。隨著地方原有各類交通融資平臺的政府融資功能被取消,發行地方政府債券(local government bond)成為地方政府實施債務融資新建公路的唯一渠道(the only debt-financing channel for new road construction)。政府收費公路(government-operated toll road)"貸款修路、收費還貸"模式需要相應調整,改為政府發行專項債券方式籌措建設資金。

此次發布的試行辦法明確,收費公路專項債券資金專項用于政府收費公路項目建設,優先用于國家高速公路項目建設,重點支持"一帶一路"(Belt and Road Initiative)、京津冀協同發展(coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region)、長江經濟帶(Yangtze River Economic Belt)三大戰略規劃的政府收費公路項目建設。

無人超市 unmanned supermarket

Domestic e-commerce giant Alibaba opened two grocery stores with no cashiers in Hangzhou recently, following the example of Amazon, which opened its first unmanned supermarket AmazonGo in the US last year.

近日,阿里巴巴在杭州開設了兩家無人超市(unmanned supermarket)。這兩家無人超市采用了生物識別(biological recognition)和深度學習(in-depth learning)等先進的數字支付技術(advanced digital payment technology)。顧客需要有一個支付寶賬戶(Alipay account),離開店鋪時購物消費將從其賬戶上自動扣除(the payment for their purchases are automatically deducted from their account)。生物識別技術將可幫助無人超市識別出盜竊者和信用記錄較差的消費者(consumer with poor credit records)。

無人超市是有望推動零售業發展的一次革新(an innovation that is expected to promote the development of the retail industry)。它將線上服務與線下服務的優勢相結合(combine the advantages of online and offline service),創造了零售業的新模式(create a new model for the retail industry),旨在為人們提供更方便高效的購物體驗(offer people a more convenient and efficient shopping experience)。

在業內人士看來,無人超市符合零售業日趨多元化、科技化、時尚化的大趨勢,但其發展也面臨著不少痛點。首先中國沒有自助購物(self-help shopping)的消費習慣,無人店的貨品丟失率、設備耗損率、店內衛生等都需要考慮在內。此外,目前想要進入大部分無人店,消費者第一步需要通過微信或支付寶驗證身份(verify their identity)。在人口老齡化(aging population)日趨嚴重的今天,這給年長的消費者順利使用無人便利店(convenience store)設置了不低的門檻。

鄙視鏈 chain of contempt

Based on the quality, diversity and price of animated series, a so-called "chain of contempt" analysis of the sector went viral on social media. The pyramid-shaped graphic lists Chinese and foreign animation programs in three layers according to popularity.

At the top are the most popular cartoons that are not translated into Chinese yet, such as Adventure Time, Bob's Burgers and Bear Bernard. These are followed by cartoons imported from the United States, Europe, South Korea and Japan, including Walt Disney animations, SpongeBob SquarePants and Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends. The Chinese series Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, Boonie Bears and GG Bond ranked at the bottom of the pyramid.

“鄙視鏈”(chain of contempt)一詞最早見于南方都市報2012年4月7日深圳雜志“城市周刊”專題:“在鄙視已經變得公然、無畏、無所顧忌的當下,似乎不鄙視無以證明自己的優秀、高端與成功。你鄙視我,我鄙視他,鄙視食物鏈將消弭的等級制度再次建構,豎中指、翻白眼就是隔開自戀、自卑的‘宮墻’?!?/p>

如果用英語來表達的話,chain of contempt is a somewhat linear sequence of links, where each link feels superior to its next link and consequently shows contempt toward it(鄙視鏈從某種意義上說就是不同事物間的線性排列,該序列上的每個事物都覺得自己比排在后面的事物更高端,因此對其表現出鄙視的態度)。

Contempt表示“輕視、蔑視,(對規則等)藐視、不顧”的意思,常用的搭配有have contempt for someone/something(鄙視某人/某事),如果有人在法庭上大吵大鬧,法官就可能會以“藐視法庭罪”(contempt of court)對其進行判罰。

灘長制 coast chief

Zhejiang province is to appoint coast chiefs to fight pollution and illegal fishing.

The provincial government said that the arrangement will take effect on August 7 and by the end of this year all coasts in Zhejiang should have their chiefs.

灘長(coast chief)的主要任務包括全面取締海灘違禁漁具、“三無”漁船(imposing a comprehensive ban on illegal fishing gears and unlicensed fishing boats),加強入海排污口和農藥清灘行為監管(strengthening supervision on waste and pesticide discharged into the sea),加強非法占用海灘( illegal use of coasts)、非法修、造、拆船舶監管(illegal ship building, repairing and recycling),加強岸線管理和整治修復(shoreline management and renovation)。

浙江省海洋與漁業局相關負責人表示,海灘管理涉及海洋資源保護(marine resources conservation)、海陸水環境治理(land and sea water environment management)、海灘使用管理等,是一項范圍廣、領域多、變動大的復雜的系統工程。

職務犯罪 work-related crime

A total of 30,538 Chinese officials were investigated for work-related crimes in the first half of 2017, according to a seminar for chief procurators on Wednesday.

職務犯罪(work-related crime/duty crime)是指國家機關、國有公司、企業事業單位、人民團體工作人員利用已有職權,貪污(corruption)、賄賂(bribery)、徇私舞弊(playing favoritism and committing irregularities)、濫用職權(abusing authority)、玩忽職守(dereliction of duty),侵犯公民權利(infringing civil rights),破壞國家對公務活動的規章規范,依照刑法應當予以刑事處罰的犯罪。

今年1到6月,除北京、山西、浙江三個試點地區外,其他29個省份立案偵查貪污賄賂、瀆職侵權等職務犯罪30538人,同比上升19.6%。其中原縣處級干部(officials on county level)1505人、原廳局級干(officials on bureau level)224人。

在扶貧領域查處職務犯罪(duty crimes in poverty alleviation work)1650人,同比上升81.7%;突出查處重大責任事故背后的職務犯罪(work-related crimes that led to accidents with serious consequences)495人。在職務犯罪國際追逃追贓專項工作(campaign to hunt down fleeing fugitives implicated in duty-related crimes)方面,已有39個國家和地區遣返、勸返外逃職務犯罪嫌疑人(suspects who were repatriated or persuaded to return to China)174人,其中“百名紅通人員”28人。

共享床鋪 shared sleep cabin

Following shared bikes, shared umbrellas and shared chargers, the sharing economy has welcomed a new player:shared sleep cabins, although its future looks uncertain.

“共享床鋪”(shared sleep cabin)是一個長約2米、寬約1米的外形類似太空艙的睡眠艙(sleep capsule),正確的叫法是“共享自助休息艙”,艙內可調節燈光,還配備USB接口、充電口、免費Wi-Fi、插座等,有小型換氣扇,但沒有空調。

用戶可通過掃描二維碼(scan a QR code),打開艙門,點擊“解鎖艙門”可以暫時離開也可以結束入住,一次性寢具(disposable bedding kit)(包括太空毯blanket、一次性床單bedsheet、一次性枕巾pillow cover 、濕紙巾wet tissue)等均由租客自取。

在北京、上海和成都試運行一段時間后,三地的體驗店于7月18日關停進行技術整改(technical overhaul),“享睡空間”總負責人代建功表示,借這個關門的時機,把系統升級了,身份認證和支付系統也完善一下(improve the ID verification and payment system),也跟主管部門進一步溝通。如果不能讓消費者滿意,也不能達到政府的監管要求,肯定不會正式大規模地推出這個產品。

合拍片 co-production

China Central Television (CCTV) has announced a deal with toy manufacturer Hasbro to produce an animation featuring the Transformers together with the Chinese mythological character, Nezha.


The Beijinger網站在報道這個新聞的時候就是這樣說的:

You've enjoyed them separately but battling robots and Chinese mythology will finally meet-up in the ultimate crossover as state broadcaster CCTV and toy maker Hasbro have agreed to collaborate on a cartoon that will feature the Transformers and Nezha, a popular Chinese mythological character.

雙方就制作規格(production standards)、播出時間(air date)、知識產權歸屬(IP ownership)、法律事務(legal affairs)等方面達成共識。雙方還表示,期待建立更加穩固的戰略合作伙伴關系(strategic partnership),深度挖掘經典動畫IP的品牌價值(explore brand value of classic cartoons),進一步激發既有動畫IP的品牌活力(further stimulate vitality of existing cartoons)。

中印邊境 China-India border

The Ministry of Defense has demanded India immediately withdraw its military from Chinese territory, warning its leaders not to leave things to luck or have unrealistic expectations.

6月中旬,中方在洞朗地區道路施工(road construction at Doklam area)時,遭到印軍越線阻攔。洞朗地區是中國領土,中方在自己領土上進行正常的修路活動,這是中國的主權行為,完全正當合法。印方公然派軍隊越過雙方承認的邊界線進入中國境內(the Indian military crossed the mutually recognized section of the China-India border),其行為嚴重損害中國主權、嚴重違反了國際法基本準則(India's actions had severely infringed China's sovereignty and the basic principles of international laws)。

吳謙表示,中方捍衛國家領土主權的決心和意志堅定不移,將不惜一切代價維護自己的領土主權和安全利益(China will resolutely protect its territorial sovereignty, and will spare no effort in maintaining its sovereignty and security interests)。中國邊防部隊已在現地采取緊急應對措施,并將進一步加強針對性部署和訓練(Chinese border troops have begun emergency measures, and will strengthen specific training and deployment)。

他提醒印方,不要心存僥幸,不要抱著不切實際的幻想。中國人民解放軍建軍90年的歷史證明了一點,那就是我們捍衛國家主權和領土完整的能力手段不斷增強,決心意志堅定不移(The People's Liberation Army's 90 years of history is testimony to China's capabilities in protecting its sovereignty and its unshakable resolve)。撼山易,撼解放軍難(It might be easier to shake the mountains than shake the PLA)。

懸掛式單軌列車 mounted monorail train

Chinese rail car manufacturer CRRC Qingdao Sifang has unveiled a prototype of a mounted monorail train with a maximum operating speed of 70 kilometers per hour, the fastest of its kind in China.

懸掛式單軌列車(mounted monorail train),又被稱為空軌或空中列車(sky train),是一種輕型、中速、中運量、低成本的新型公共交通方式(new mode of transportation featuring light weight, moderate speed, medium capacity and low manufacturing cost)。

這款懸掛式單軌車輛爬坡能力強(strong climbing ability),最大爬坡能力達到100‰(列車前行1000米后高度上升100米),是普通地鐵車輛爬坡能力三倍以上,可在地形崎嶇陡峭的山區靈活運行,并保證具有較高安全性和舒適度,載客量(passenger capacity)可達到300至510余人。

懸掛式單軌列車的軌道在車的正上方,行駛中既不受雨雪天氣影響,也不會有脫軌風險,列車有多種主被動安全裝置,如全車監控系統(whole-train monitoring system)、蓄電池救援(battery rescue)和聯掛救援(coupling rescue)等。

另外,懸掛式單軌列車軌道曲線半徑小,占用地面空間少,拆遷工程量可顯著降低,節約成本投入,僅為地鐵成本的三分之一。相對于地面有軌電車(tram),懸掛車避開了與地面車輛混行問題,具有安全、準點、載客能力強等優勢(advantage of safety, punctuality and high passenger capacity)。

現代醫院管理制度 modern hospital management system

China should establish a "modern hospital management system" that adheres to putting people's health at the center and adheres to the nonprofit nature of public hospitals and putting the public's interest as a priority, the guideline said.

《意見》指出,現代醫院管理制度(modern hospital management system)是中國特色基本醫療衛生制度(basic medical and healthcare system with Chinese characteristics)的重要組成部分。建立現代醫院管理制度,要堅持以人民健康為中心,堅持公立醫院的公益性,堅持政事分開(government functions separated from institution functions)、管辦分開(supervision separated from day-to-day operations),堅持分類指導,鼓勵探索創新,把社會效益放在首位,實行所有權與經營權分離,實現醫院治理體系和管理能力現代化(modernization of hospital management system and capability)。

《中共中央關于全面深化改革若干重大問題的決定》提出:加快公立醫院改革。鼓勵社會辦醫,優先支持舉辦非營利性醫療機構。允許醫師多點執業,允許民辦醫療機構納入醫保定點范圍(Speed the reform of public hospitals. Encourage private investment in the medical sector and prioritize supporting nonprofit hospitals run by private investors. Allow doctors to have a license to work in more than one hospital. Allow medical insurance to cover private hospitals)。

今年的《政府工作報告》中也對公立醫院改革提出了具體要求:深化醫療、醫保、醫藥聯動改革。全面推開公立醫院綜合改革,全部取消藥品加成,協調推進醫療價格、人事薪酬、藥品流通、醫保支付方式等改革(We will deepen the coordinated reform of medical services, health insurance, and the medicine industry. We will introduce overall reform in public hospitals nationwide, abolish all markups on pharmaceuticals, and make coordinated progress in reforming health care pricing, staffing and remuneration, medicine distribution, and models of health insurance payment)。

富豪消費價格指數 Luxury Consumer Price Index

Luxury Consumer Price Index (LCPI) in China saw an accumulated rise of 81.7 percent over the past 10 years, more than doubling the growth rate of nationwide Consumer Price Index (CPI), according to a Hurun report released on Wednesday.

富豪消費價格指數(Luxury Consumer Price Index,LCPI)是度量富豪生活消費品價格水平隨著時間變動的相對數,綜合反映富豪購買的生活消費品價格水平的變動情況(change in the prices paid by luxury consumers for luxury goods and services)。2017富豪消費價格指數涵蓋富豪生活消費的房產(property)、健康(healthcare)、教育(education)、旅游(travel)等11 大類,116個與高品質生活方式相關的商品價格,對比了它們在今年6月與去年6月的市場價格。

從品類來看,豪宅(luxury property)價格繼去年上漲13%之后今年依然達到各品類最高漲幅,達16.6%。休閑生活(leisure entertainment)繼去年回升一個百分點之后,總體上漲6.1%。游艇和飛機(yachts and jets)繼去年回升一個百分點之后,今年擴大漲幅,上漲4.4%。高檔煙酒(high-end liquor and tobacco)價格連續兩年下降之后,今年回升2.6%。名校教育(top school education)的價格持續十一年上漲,但今年漲幅不明顯,只有1.2%。手表和珠寶(watch and jewelry)繼去年整體上漲3.9%之后今年小幅上漲1.1%。高檔汽車(luxury car)價格連續兩年下降之后,今年回升1%。奢侈品配飾和護膚品(luxury accessories and cosmetic products)價格繼去年總體上升2.9%之后今年幾乎無變化,漲幅為0.2%?;閼c和健康品類(wedding and healthcare products)首次下降,降幅分別為3.6%和3.5%。奢華旅游(luxury travel)繼去年上漲5%之后,今年小幅下降0.9%。

灰犀牛 grey rhino

“灰犀?!保╣rey rhino)這一概念是由美國學者、古根海姆學者獎得主米歇爾?渥克(Michele Wucker)于2013年1月在達沃斯全球論壇上提出的,在她所著的《灰犀牛:如何應對大概率危機(The Gray Rhino: How to Recognise and Act on the Obvious Dangers We Ignore)》一書中,她提出,“灰犀牛就是指概率極大、沖擊力極強卻被忽視的風險(a highly probable, high impact yet neglected threat):一個我們應該意識到的風險,就像是一頭兩噸重的犀牛,把牛角對準我們全速向我們攻擊”。


Grey rhinos are not random surprises, but problems that break out after a series of warnings and visible evidence. When the grey rhino attacks, its power is explosive and unstoppable.


Kodak had ignored the unstoppable trend of digital photography and was too focused on its existing business. As a result, it missed the opportunity of being good at making what was about to come next.




對存在的“灰犀?!憋L險隱患,如影子銀行(shadow banking)、房地產泡沫(housing market bubble)、國有企業高杠桿(high leverage ratio of the State-owned enterprises)、地方債務(local debt)、違法違規集資(illegal fund-raising)等問題,要摸清情況,區分輕重緩急和影響程度,突出重點,采取有效措施,妥善加以解決。

(中國日報網英語點津 馬文英)

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