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1. 市場經濟market economy
2. 計劃經濟 planned economy
3. 可持續發展戰略strategy of sustainable development
4. 消費觀consumption concept
5. 改革開放reform and opening up
6. 經濟特區special economic zone
7. 社會主義市場經濟 socialist market economy
8. 合作論壇Cooperation Forum
9. 資本主義capitalism
10. 證券市場stock market
二、科技science and technology
1. 工業革命industrial revolution
2. 信息技術information technology
3. 創新成果innovation achievement
4. 試驗田 test field
5. 高速列車 high-speed train
6. 導航系統navigation system
7. 能源消耗 energy consumption
8. 可替代燃料alternative fuel
9. 科學探索scientific exploration
10. 電子設備electronic device
1. 義務教育compulsory education
2. 教育部 Ministry of Education
3. 職業學校vocational school
4. 大學文憑 college diploma
5. 高等教育higher education
6. 留守兒童leftover children
7. 偏遠地區remote area
8. 課外班extra-curricular classes
9. 應屆生 graduating students
10. 鄉村教師rural teachers
1. 糖尿病diabetes
2. 肥胖癥obesity
3. 肺炎pneumonia
4. 營養不良malnutrition
5. 均衡的飲食a well-balanced diet
6. 體檢physical examination
7. 醫療保健 health care
8. 禁煙令smoking bans
9. 無償獻血donate blood without payment
10. 中醫traditional Chinese medicine
1. 霧霾fog and haze
2. 泥石流mudslide
3. 熱帶風暴tropical storm
4. 病毒攜帶者virus carrier
5. 受災地區stricken area
6. 救災工作 rescue effort
7. 核泄漏nuclear leak
8. 安全保障措施 safety precaution
9. 交通安全 traffic safety
10. 環境污染 environmental pollution
1. 田徑track and field
2. 舉重weightlifting
3. 擊劍fencing
4. 賽艇rowing
5. 射箭toxophily
6. 錦標賽;冠軍賽championships
7. 奧運會the Olympic Games
8. 記錄保持者record holder
9. 申辦城市the bidding cities
10. 開幕式opening ceremony
1. 造紙術papermaking
2. 火藥gunpowder
3. 印刷術 printing press
4. 指南針compass
5. 紡車spinning wheel
6. 蒸汽發動機 steam engine
7. 發明專利patent of invention
8. 創新精神creative spirit
9. 設計創意design creativity
10. 造福人類benefit mankind / bring benefit to the people
八、節假日festival and holiday
1. 陰歷lunar calendar
2. 陽歷solar calendar
3. 清明節 Tomb Sweeping Day
4. 重陽節 the Double Ninth Festival
5. 臘八節the Laba Rice Porridge Festival
6. 除夕Chinese New Year’s Eve
7. 元宵節the Lantern Festival
8. 勞動節 International Labor Day
9. 中秋節 the Mid-autumn Festival
10. 法定節日legal holiday
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