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中國日報網 2017-04-06 15:36






網絡空間國際合作戰略 The International Strategy of Cooperation on Cyberspace

The International Strategy of Cooperation on Cyberspace is the first China has released regarding the virtual domain.

The aim of the strategy -- jointly building a community of shared future in cyberspace -- illustrates China's approach to cyberspace cooperation. Notably one that is based on peace, sovereignty, shared governance and shared benefits.


“網絡空間是人類共同的活動空間,網絡空間前途命運應由世界各國共同掌握。各國應該加強溝通、擴大共識、深化合作,共同構建網絡空間命運共同體?!?br/> “Cyberspace is the common space of activities for mankind. The future of cyberspace should be in the hands of all countries. Countries should step up communications, broaden consensus and deepen cooperation to jointly build a community of shared future in cyberspace.”

《網絡空間國際合作戰略》全面宣示中國在網絡空間相關國際問題上的政策立場(China’s policy and position on cyber-related international affairs),系統闡釋中國開展網絡領域對外工作的基本原則、戰略目標和行動要點,旨在指導中國今后一個時期參與網絡空間國際交流與合作,推動國際社會攜手努力,加強對話合作,共同構建和平、安全、開放、合作、有序的網絡空間(a peaceful, secure, open, cooperative and orderly cyberspace),建立多邊、民主、透明的全球互聯網治理體系(a multilateral, democratic and transparent global Internet governance system)。

彈劾 impeachment

South Korea's President Park Geun-hye has become the country's first democratically elected leader to be forced from office.

Judges at the country’s constitutional court unanimously upheld Parliament's decision to impeach her over her role in a corruption scandal involving close friend Choi Soon-sil.

The court said she leaked many documents in breach of a rule on securing official secrets, and violated the law by allowing Choi to meddle in state affairs, according to news agency Yonhap.


“對某人發起彈劾”可以直接用impeach somebody表示,比如:South Korean MPs vote to impeach president,如果想要說明被彈劾的原因,則可以說impeach somebody over something,那么前面的這個例句就可以拓展為:South Korean MPs vote to impeach president over corruption scandal。注意,這里的MPs指members of the parliament,也就是議會的議員們。

憲法法院此番通過彈劾案之后,樸槿惠就被免職了,很多英文報道都用force/dismiss/remove her from office表示。

BBC用了一個更正式的詞:Court ousts South Korea's scandal-hit president。這里的oust常見于各種政治類的新聞報道,表示“罷黜、把…趕下臺”,一般都是因為議會不信任投票或者政變(coup)等政治活動將執政者罷免。

The ruling will see Park immediately forfeit the executive immunity to criminal indictment she enjoyed as president.

South Korea now has 60 days to elect a new leader, according to the constitution.

脫歐法案 Brexit bill

The House of Lords has passed the Brexit bill, paving the way for the government to trigger Article 50 so the UK can leave the EU.

The bill is expected to receive Royal Assent and become law on Tuesday.

去年6月23日,英國舉行脫歐公投(Brexit referendum),脫歐派占多數,英國決定脫離歐盟,留歐派首相卡梅倫辭職,脫歐派特蕾莎-梅接任。


英國政府隨后向議會提交了一項簡單的脫歐法案(Brexit bill),尋求議會批準。議會下議院(the House of Commons)2月初投票正式通過政府提交的“脫歐”法案,并將法案提交至上議院(the House of Lords)。但上議院本月初拒絕批準這個脫歐法案,并要求在法案中加入“保障在英居留歐盟公民權利”(EU citizens' rights to remain in the UK)和“保證議會對英國在何種情況下能夠脫歐擁有更大決定權”(give lawmakers more powers to reject the final terms reached with the EU)這兩條修正案,要求脫歐協議在拿到歐洲議會討論前,需得到英國議會的批準;如果談判失敗,政府若要在沒有達成協議的情況下脫離歐盟,也須由議會對此進行表決(British MPs to be given a vote on the deal before it goes to the European parliament, and to be handed a say if no agreement is hammered out)。

當地時間13日下午,英國下議院投票否決了上議院提出的修正版脫歐法案(reject the amendments proposed by the House of Lords),上議院隨后也投票表決,對下議院的決定做出讓步,上下兩院最終就政府最初提交的脫歐法案達成一致,這也為英國正式啟動脫歐進程掃清了最后障礙。

12315互聯網平臺 the National Internet Platform of Consumer Dispute Resolution

The State Administration for Industry and Commerce announced on Tuesday that the National Internet Platform of Consumer Dispute Resolution will go into operation on Wednesday, in a move to cater to consumers' growing need to complain.

The online platform marks a new era in Internet Plus governance, with the improved quality and efficiency of government services.

12315互聯網平臺(the National Internet Platform of Consumer Dispute Resolution)和原有12315熱線電話(the traditional 12315 hotline)協同配合,發揮各自優勢,在利用大數據加強市場監管(use the big data to strengthen market supervision),營造良好市場秩序和安全放心消費環境(creating a market environment featuring fairness and good faith)方面發揮重要作用。

全國12315互聯網平臺,網址是“www.12315.cn”,手機APP名稱和微信公眾號都是“全國12315互聯網平臺”。消費者通過電腦或手機進行實名注冊(real-name registration)以后,登錄平臺就可以在主頁上看到“我要投訴”、“我要舉報”這兩個按鈕。國家工商總局消費者權益保護局局長楊紅燦表示,對于投訴舉報,7天之內進行處理給予消費者答復。

消費者在舉報、投訴時,可以上傳文字、圖片、視頻等證據材料,比12315專用電話平臺更加便捷地消費維權(deal with consumer complaints more conveniently)。

國家工商總局表示,今年年底之前,該互聯網平臺還將增加處理跨區域以及跨境消費者投訴的功能(functions to settle inter-regional and cross-border consumer disputes)。

上海掌握教學模式 Shanghai Teaching for Mastery Programme

HarperCollins Publishers will translate mathematics textbooks from Chinese schools and publish them in Britain, according to its agreement with Shanghai Century Publishing Group.

Apart from publishing textbooks, Britain will also spread the Shanghai Teaching for Mastery Programme in the country. It is a four-year program backed by 41 million British pounds in funding announced by the British Department for Education in July 2016.

“上海掌握教學模式”(Shanghai Teaching for Mastery Programme)是英國教育部支持的“掌握教學模式”(Teaching for Mastery Programme)項目的一個分支,指從2014年開始,英國和中國上海的中小學老師交流項目(annual exchange of teachers between schools in England and those in Shanghai)。


Teachers from England spent a week or two observing how maths is taught in Shanghai schools, and later in the school year host partner Shanghai teachers at their own schools in England for a fortnight or more.

When the Shanghai teachers are here, their lessons are observed by teachers from neighboring schools in every Maths Hub area, and post lesson discussions take place, in which the lesson design and delivery in un-picked in detail.

刷臉出廁紙 facial-scanning toilet paper dispenser

Tiantan Park, home to the iconic Temple of Heaven, is now home to six high-tech dispensers that mete out toilet paper only after conducting a facial scan, The Beijing News reported Sunday.

The pilot program kicked off recently after authorities faced an increasing number of local residents raiding the park's restrooms for toilet paper.

每部“人臉識別廁紙機”(facial-scanning toilet paper dispenser)可以調節取紙時間,現在設置了同一個人每隔九分鐘取一次紙(nine minutes of time interval for every dispensing),每次出紙長度為60-70公分,并由原來的單層紙改成了雙層紙,符合普通人如廁一般用紙需求。

創新全面伙伴關系 innovative comprehensive partnership

Chinese President Xi Jinping and visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced in Beijing on Tuesday an innovative comprehensive partnership between both countries.

The establishment of this partnership will boost innovation cooperation and bring more benefit to the two peoples, Xi said.

《中華人民共和國和以色列國關于建立創新全面伙伴關系的聯合聲明》提出,中國作為世界經濟大國,正在實施創新驅動發展戰略(the innovation-driven development strategy),以色列在創新、研發領域具有全球公認的領先地位(world-renowned and leading country in innovation, research and development)。繼續深化中以合作仍有巨大潛力,雙方在相互尊重和平等基礎上致力于開拓和深化創新合作符合兩國和兩國人民的根本利益,對兩國發展具有深遠意義。

兩國將在空氣污染防治(air pollution control)、廢物管理(waste management)、環境監測(environmental monitoring)、水資源保持及凈化(water conservation and purification)以及高科技領域(hi-tech fields)等方面有深入合作。

截至2016年年底,中國已同97個國家和國際組織建立了不同形式的伙伴關系,比如:中沙全面戰略伙伴關系(comprehensive strategic partnership)、中拉全面合作伙伴關系(China-Latin America comprehensive cooperative partnership)、中俄全面戰略協作伙伴關系(China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination)、中巴全天候戰略合作伙伴關系(China-Pakistan all-weather strategic partnership of cooperation)等。

中以建立創新全面伙伴關系,也使得以色列成為繼瑞士之后第二個同中國發展以“創新”為標志的伙伴關系國家。2016年4月,中瑞宣布建立“創新戰略伙伴關系”(innovative strategic partnership)。

機遇之城 cities of opportunity

Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Wuhan and Nanjing have been ranked as the top five cities for opportunity in China, according to a report jointly launched by PricewaterhouseCoopers and the China Development Research Foundation.

The report said that technological innovations and balanced development were the keys to building "cities of opportunity".


《機遇之城2017》對城市觀察的維度與變量源自普華永道全球發布的權威城市研究報告《機遇之都》,從“智力資本和創新”(intellectual capital and innovation)、“技術成熟度”(technology readiness)、“區域重要城市”(important regional cities)、“健康、安全與治安”(healthcare, safety and security)、“交通和城市規劃”(transportation and urban planning)、“可持續發展與自然環境”(sustainability and the natural environment)、“文化與居民生活”(culture and lifestyle)、“經濟影響力”(economic clout)、“成本”(cost)和“宜商環境”(ease of doing business)10個維度的57個變量對28座中國城市進行深入、全面的考察。

今年就綜合排名而言,廣州和深圳憑借均衡發展(balanced development)的優勢穩居第一和第二,杭州受益于技術優勢(technological advantages)位列第三,較好地平衡了發展和成本(a good balance between development and costs)的武漢位居第四,擁有優質文化和居民生活(quality culture and lifestyle)的南京排名第五。

報告還發現,位居前列的城市普遍在成本以及文化與居民生活這兩個維度表現得差強人意(performing poorly in costs and culture and lifestyle)。在打造滿足市民需要、提供優質生活的“宜居城市”方面,“機遇之城”依舊面臨挑戰。

中國發展研究基金會秘書長盧邁表示:“報告的關注點是我國各區域代表性大城市的發展狀況(the current state of the development of large cities across China),以這些城市為中心形成的城市群正成為經濟增長和創新最活躍的地區。抓住這些大城市以及圍繞它們形成的城市群(the urban clusters),就抓住了下一階段中國發展轉型的關鍵?!?/p>

博鰲亞洲論壇 Boao Forum for Asia

The four-day Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2017, themed with “Globalization & Free Trade: The Asian Perspectives”, is to be held from March 23 to 26 in Boao, Hainan.

Based on the theme, the BFA Annual Conference 2017 will be divided into four modules—globalization, growth, reform and new economy. A total of 42 official sessions and 12 private sessions are planned during the conference.


金融科技 FinTech
FinTech是Financial Technology的縮寫,指應用于金融領域的新技術。2016年,金融科技的概念迅速火爆,在大數據(big data)、云計算(cloud computing)、區塊鏈(block chain)、支付(payment)、智能投資顧問(robo-advisor)等方面取得了突飛猛進的成效,對金融以及工業和農業等行業產生了深度影響。

工匠精神 the spirit of craftsmanship
2017年的《政府工作報告》提出,“要大力弘揚工匠精神,厚植工匠文化”(promote the spirit of craftsmanship and foster a culture of craftsmanship)?!肮そ尘瘛敝v究精雕細琢,追求完美。由制造業大國邁向制造業強國,沒有“工匠精神”的支撐就無從談起。培育“工匠精神”重在弘揚精神,不僅限于物質生產,還需各行各業培育和弘揚精益求精、一絲不茍、追求卓越、愛崗敬業的品格,從而提供高品質產品和高水準服務。

直播經濟 live stream economy
2016年被稱為直播經濟元年。不可否認,網絡直播平臺(live streaming platform)已經成為大眾生活不可或缺的一部分。無論是用戶數量的迅猛增長、資本的爭相涌入,還是各大直播平臺的相繼入場,都預示著直播經濟的到來。

數字貨幣 digital currency
數字貨幣,并非真實的貨幣,而是存在于數字化、網絡化的世界中。但它又不能完全等同于局限在網絡游戲等虛擬空間中的虛擬貨幣(virtual currency),經常被用于真實的商品和服務交易。由于移動支付(mobile payment)的普及,越來越多的人開始“無現金”(cash-free)生活。紙幣的電子化,為數字貨幣的推出提供了良好的實踐。

虛擬現實 virtual reality
虛擬現實,指通過模擬產生逼真的虛擬世界,給用戶提供完整的視覺、聽覺、觸覺等感官體驗,讓用戶能夠實現在自然環境下的各種感知和高級人機交互技術(human-computer interaction)。2016年被稱為“虛擬現實技術”元年。

創意經濟 innovation economy
以知識為基礎,把創意與智力資本作為初始投入,進行產品與服務的設計、生產、銷售,這種經濟活動可以歸入創意經濟范疇。創意經濟的活動可以概括為三個層面:一是創意經濟+新技術新產品,形成創新產品(innovative products);二是創意經濟+互聯網和傳統產業,形成創新產業(innovative industry);三是創意經濟+大眾創業、萬眾創新,建設創新型國家(innovative country)。

人工智能 artificial intelligence
人工智能一般被認為是通過模擬、延伸和擴展人類智能,產生具有類人智能的計算系統(humanoid intelligence system)。在2017年全國兩會上,“人工智能”首次出現在《政府工作報告》中:“全面實施戰略性新興產業發展規劃,加快新材料、新能源、人工智能、集成電路、生物制藥、第五代移動通信等技術研發和轉化,做大做強產業集群。”(We will fully implement our plan for developing strategic emerging industries. We will accelerate R&D on and commercialization of new materials, new energy, artificial intelligence, integrated circuits, bio-pharmacy, 5G mobile communications, and other technologies, and develop industrial clusters in these fields.)

島嶼經濟 island economy
島嶼經濟體是一個獨立的海島或一群海島,開發利用其島嶼、島灘及環島海域的陸地資源(land resources)和海洋資源(marine resources),以發展經濟并具有一定行政、經濟組織的地(海)域單元。

分享經濟 sharing economy
分享經濟是所有權與使用權相分離的經濟。分享經濟是只求所用、不求擁有的經濟。消費者可以使用物品,但不必擁有物品。分享經濟能夠用較少的物質存量滿足較多的服務需求,這與可持續發展(sustainable development)和綠色發展(green development)的要求是一致的。

博鰲亞洲論壇(Boao Forum for Asia,BFA)由25個亞洲國家和澳大利亞發起,于2001年2月下旬在海南省瓊海市萬泉河入海口的博鰲鎮召開大會,正式宣布成立。論壇為非官方(non-government)、非營利性(non-profit)、定期、定址的國際組織;為政府、企業及專家學者等提供一個共商經濟、社會、環境及其他相關問題的高層對話平臺(a platform for leaders in government, business and academia from Asia and beyond to share visions on economy, society, environment and other related issues);海南博鰲為論壇總部的永久所在地。

北京醫改 medical reform

Beijing introduced a reform plan on Wednesday to end markups on drug prices and adjust prices of 435 medical services.

今年的《政府工作報告》指出,“全面推開公立醫院綜合改革,全部取消藥品加成,協調推進醫療價格、人事薪酬、藥品流通、醫保支付方式等改革。(We will introduce overall reform in public hospitals nationwide, abolish all markups on pharmaceuticals, and make coordinated progress in reforming health care pricing, staffing and remuneration, medicine distribution, and models of health insurance payment.)”

北京率先發力,推出醫改新政,顯示出對執行醫改任務的強烈決心。取消藥品加成(drug markups)和掛號費(registration fee)、診療費(treatment fee),設立醫事服務費(medical service fee),并規范醫療服務價格等舉措,其目的是補償醫療機構部分運行成本,體現醫務人員的技術勞動價值。


醫事服務費 medical service fees


Starting April 8, a medical service fee will replace drug markups, registration and treatment fees, according to the plan.

Drug prices were previously marked up by as much as 15 percent, but this will be disallowed in more than 3,600 hospitals and medical institutions in the city.

調整醫療服務價格 adjusting prices of medical services


Prices of certain medical services that involve a lot of experience, skills and labor of medical staff will be increased, including acupuncture, operations and nursing. But fees for use of certain equipment, such as computed tomography (CT) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), will be brought down.

藥品陽光采購 transparent drug purchases


To ensure medicine prices drop, Beijing will mandate transparent drug purchases, choosing suppliers through open bidding and requiring the full disclosure of drug and producer information.

調整生活困難群體救助標準 adjustments to medical aid to low-income residents


The reimbursement ratio of outpatient service will be raised to 80 percent with a yearly cap of 6,000 yuan from the present 70 percent and 4,000-yuan cap. Eighty percent of inpatient service costs, with a yearly cap of 60,000 yuan, will be covered by medical aid. Aid to poor patients with major diseases will also be bumped to up to 120,000 yuan a year, or 85 percent of the total medical bill, from the present 80,000-yuan cap and 75 percent.

戶外外交 outdoor diplomacy

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang took a casual harbor walk and watched an exciting Australian football game with his Australian counterpart Malcolm Turnbull on Saturday, extending his outdoor diplomacy to strengthen the ties between the two peoples.

Private, informal talks in a casual, beautiful environment are an extension of traditional diplomacy, and often work well to cultivate personal friendship and help iron out differences.


During a tie-less walk with Turnbull in the Royal Botanic Garden, Li chatted with local Australians in English, and cheerfully took selfies with Chinese tourists and his Australian counterpart.


Before the game started, Li met with the players and practiced how to catch and pass a ball. He also accepted a gift scarf from each club and tied the two scarves together before wearing them on his neck.

"I wear both of them even though the weather is not cold at all to show my love and support for both teams," said the Chinese premier. "I will cheer for you all no matter which side wins."

"The two tied scarves also show the power of China-Australia cooperation as well as the colorfulness of diverse civilizations," Li said.

云南旅游業管理辦法 management of tourism industry

Yunnan province will introduce 22 measures to clean up the local tourism industry, the provincial tourism administrative authority said on Monday.

The measures, which will come into effect on April 15, include forbidding forced shopping and overly cheap tours, punishing fraud targeted at tourists, and strengthening regulation of tour guides via an online information and evaluation system.

云南一直是國內外游客心之向往的旅游目的地,但是近年來,有關導游誘騙、欺詐游客消費,甚至辱罵或毆打游客的新聞頻繁見諸報端,“零負團費”(free and incentive tours)、“購物陷阱”(shopping traps)、“打罵游客”(beating and insulting tourists)已成云南旅游業的痼疾頑癥。

此次,云南推出“史上最嚴”整治措施,試圖從根源解決旅游市場亂象(irregularities in the tourism industry),以下亮點值得關注。

禁止“不合理低價游” banning overly cheap tours

禁止旅行社發布、銷售“不合理低價游”產品和接待相關團隊,對違反規定的旅行社進行停業整頓(travel agencies luring tourists with prices lower than costs will be suspended from business for a set period),對整頓后再犯的依法吊銷經營許可證(those who continue to sell overly cheap tours after suspension will have their business licenses revoked);實行新的旅游標準合同,取消旅游合同中的購物附加條款;建立旅行社“黑名單”制度。

清理購物陷阱 clearing up shopping traps

取消旅游定點購物(designating specific shopping venues for tourists is prohibited),將所有旅游購物企業納入普通商品零售企業統一監管。嚴禁變相安排和誘導購物,防止形成新的灰色利益鏈條。嚴懲針對游客的欺詐銷售(fraudulent selling),包括“藥托”“酒托”等誘騙行為。

加強導游監管 strengthening regulation of tour guides

針對導游服務質量問題,云南將建立全省導游管理平臺(tour guide management platform),把全省所有導游納入平臺進行實時動態監管;建立導游服務質量網上評價系統(online evaluation system),評價結果作為導游星級評定的主要依據,公開導游考核評價結果(the evaluation results will be made public);強化簽約導游(contracted tour guides)管理,建立合理薪酬制度,保障導游合法權益。州市政府主要領導為旅游市場監管第一責任人。發生惡性旅游事件,造成惡劣社會影響的,要對相關責任人嚴肅問責。

設立旅游巡回法庭 setting up tourist circuit court

旅游糾紛案件主要系旅游服務合同糾紛(travel contract disputes)和人身財產損害賠償糾紛(compensation disputes concerning physical and asset damage)。絕大多數案件都可以適用小額訴訟程序、簡易程序(simplified procedure),做到“四個快”,即:快立、快審、快結、快執,力爭實現當日受理案件、當日審理辦結、當日即時履行。

北京城市總體規劃 overall planning of Beijing

Beijing plans to meet the national air quality standard by 2030, according to a blueprint for the city's overall planning (2016-2030).

The Chinese capital aims to cut the concentration of hazardous fine particle matter PM2.5 to 56 micrograms per cubic meter in 2020 and 35 micrograms per cubic meter in 2030, according to the document.

草案提出了北京至2020年、2030年、2050年三個階段的發展目標。其中,草案提出,至2030年,基本建成國際一流的和諧宜居之都(top-class capital of harmony and liveability),治理“大城市病”(big city disease)取得顯著成效,首都核心功能更加優化(core functions of the capital more optimized),京津冀區域一體化(Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration)格局基本形成。


戰略定位 strategic positioning

政治中心(political center)、文化中心(cultural center)、國際交往中心(international exchange center)、科技創新中心(scientific and technological innovation center)

發展目標 goal of development

建成國際一流的和諧宜居之都(top-class capital of harmony and liveability)

城市規模 scale of the city

2020年,人口規模在2300萬人;2020年,城鄉建設用地規模(the scale of land used in urban and rural construction)減至2860平方公里左右;2030年,城鄉建設用地規模減至2760平方公里左右。

城市空間結構 spatial structure of the city


“一主”指中心城區(central city),包括東城區、西城區、朝陽區、海淀區、豐臺區、石景山區;

“一副”指北京城市副中心(subcenter of the capital);

“兩軸”指中軸線及其延長線(the axis line and its extension)、長安街及其延長線(Chang’an Avenue and its extension);

“多點”(multiple areas)指門頭溝、房山、順義、大興、亦莊、昌平、平谷、懷柔、密云、延慶10個周邊城區。

生態控制區 ecological control area

將北京約16410平方公里的市域空間劃分為生態控制區(ecological control area)、限制建設區(restricted constructive expansion area)、禁止建設區(no constructive expansion area),生態控制區面積2020年約占市域面積的73%,2030年提高到75%左右。

歷史文化名城保護 preservation of historic cultural city

四個空間層次范圍,即舊城(old town)、中心城區(central city)、市域(city area)和區域(district area)

兩大重點區域,即舊城(old town)和三山五園(three mountains and five parks);

三條文化帶,即長城文化帶(the Great Wall culture belt)、運河文化帶(the canal culture belt)、西山文化帶(the Xishan mountain culture belt)。

綠色目標 green targets

2030年,全市森林覆蓋率(forest coverage)達到45%以上;

2030年,建成區人均公園綠地面積(per capita public green areas)16.8平方米/人;

2030年,綠色出行(green commuting)比例超過80%;

2020年,軌道交通里程(rail traffic mileage)達到1000公里左右。

(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)



















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