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中國日報網 2017-03-01 11:14






脫歐白皮書 Brexit White Paper

The British government published an official policy document setting out its plans to bring the UK out of the European Union on Thursday.

The White Paper, which detailed 12 principles including immigration control and trade arrangements, is in line with Prime Minister Theresa May’s vision of "an independent, truly global UK and an ambitious future relationship with the EU".

英國脫歐事務大臣戴維斯表示,這12條原則指向同一個目標:英國與歐盟之間建立一個全新的、積極的、有建設性、互惠互利的伙伴關系(a new, positive and constructive partnership between Britain and the European Union that works in our mutual interest)。

禁穆令 Muslim ban


District judge James Robart granted a temporary restraining order on Friday after hearing arguments from Washington state and Minnesota that the president’s order had unlawfully discriminated against Muslims and caused unreasonable harm.

A number of state attorney generals have said the order is unconstitutional. Several federal judges have temporarily halted the deportation of visa holders, but the Seattle ruling is the first to be applicable nationwide.


“This decision shuts down the executive order immediately, shuts it down. That relief is immediate, happens right now. That’s the bottom line.”


共享汽車 car-sharing

New energy vehicle-sharing projects are being carried out in dozens of cities across the country, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Shenzhen. The new type of service is expected to fuel China's sharing economy in the next few years.

汽車共享/共享汽車(car-sharing)服務在國內的早期經營模式是通過租車行提供車輛租賃服務(car rental),后來,民間開始出現個人拼車(car pooling)行為,單獨開車出行的個人找幾個出行路線相同的人乘車,這幾個人分擔部分車輛開支,這樣的形式在移動網絡普及以后就發展成了“順風車”(ride sharing)服務。


微信綠包 green packet


People obsessed with digital red packets on WeChat have been warned to pay attention to the packet color, or they may end up giving money instead of receiving it.

The WeChat app offers two types of envelopes now, a regular red envelope and a green one. The less-used green one facilitates a fundraising or cost-sharing option for a group activity.

微信“綠包”(green packet)正式的名稱是“群收款”(collecting money from group members),在去年10月的更新版本中就已推出,在填寫了收款總金額后,可以選擇“人均模式”或者“按人填金額”,而且還可以在群成員中選定參與人,解決了此前AA收款無法選定好友、無法有效催付等問題。

依法履職 fulfilling legal duties

The Supreme People's Court on Tuesday published a document on improving the mechanism to protect judges and their associates in fulfilling their legal duties. It stipulates that when handling cases, judges should not be subject to interference from other government organs, social organizations or individuals.

《辦法》共二十四條,涉及免受干預(free from interference)、免責機制(mechanism of accountability exemption)、救濟渠道(redress mechanism)、公正考核(impartial assessment)、安全保障(safety protection)、休假權利(vacation entitlement)、薪酬保障(salary guarantee)等內容,是對《保護司法人員依法履行法定職責規定》的細化和落實。

留存指紋 collecting fingerprints


China will start to collect fingerprints and capture facial images of foreign passport holders entering China at selected ports beginning on Friday to tighten border security.

Border control authorities nationwide will fingerprint all foreign passport holders ages 14 to 70 by the end of the year.

留存出境入境人員的生物識別信息(collecting and storing biometric data of foreign passport holders entering or exiting the country)是加強出入境管理的重要舉措,目前國際上已有多個國家實施這一措施。

境外賬戶 foreign accounts


The State Administration of Taxation (SAT) will monitor Chinese citizens' foreign accounts information in 101 countries and regions following the implementation of the localized Common Reporting Standard (CRS) this year..

所謂的“共同申報準則”Common Reporting Standard,CRS),正式名稱是《金融賬戶資訊主動交換標準》(Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information),是由二十國集團提出,經濟合作與發展組織理事會(OECD Council)于2014年7月15日批準通過的。該準則要求各簽署國獲取本國稅收居民的金融賬戶信息(financial account information)并每年與其他簽署國自動交換(automatically exchange that information with other jurisdictions on an annual basis)。

CRS規定信息交換的內容包括:帳戶及帳戶余額(account and account balance);相關賬戶的利息收入(interest income)、股息收入(dividend income)、保險產品收入(income from insurance product)、相關金融資產的交易所得(income from financial assets transactions);還包括帳戶的一系列基本信息(basic information of the accounts):姓名、出生日期、國別等;以及年度付至或記入該賬戶的總額。


根據日程,從今年1月1日開始我國將對新開立的個人和機構賬戶開展盡職調查(conduct due diligence procedures on newly-opened personal and institutional bank accounts);今年12月31日前,完成對存量個人高凈值賬戶(high net-worth accounts)的盡職調查。所謂高凈值賬戶,是指截至2016年12月31日金融賬戶加總余額超過600萬元。在2018年12月31日前,我國將完成對存量個人低凈值賬戶(low net-worth accounts)和全部存量機構賬戶(institutional accounts)的盡職調查。我國計劃在2018年9月首次與外國金融機構交換賬戶信息。

“朝陽群眾”app Chaoyang residents app

The Chaoyang Branch of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau launched an app named after Chaoyang residents, which is nicknamed as the "fifth largest intelligence agency" in the world by China’s internet users, in a bid to better connect the police and ordinary citizens.

該APP目前分為“要案”(major crimes)、“尋人”(missing person)、“招領”(lost and found)、“嫌犯”(suspects)、“車輛”(vehicles)五個欄目。在每條信息下面,都設有“發表線索”的區域,用戶可以通過文字和圖片的形式參與。

此外,在該APP界面右下角,設有醒目的“舉報”(tip off)功能。點擊紅色的“舉報”按鈕,便會出現“兒童拐賣”(child trafficking)、“疑似嫌犯”(possible suspects)、“老人走失”(elderly missing person)、“肇事違章”(traffic violations)、“遺失招領”(lost and found)和“其他舉報”(other tip-offs)六個選項,點擊其中任意一個,用戶可用小視頻、拍照或文字的方式進行舉報。

老賴 deadbeat/defaulter


China has extended penalty restrictions against people who default on their court orders, keeping them from traveling by plane, applying for loans and credit cards, or getting promoted.

The Supreme People’s Court (SPC) has cooperated with airlines and railway companies from December last year to bar those who default from purchasing tickets, based on ID card information and their passports.

老賴,通俗來說就是欠了別人錢遲遲不肯還的人,在英語里常用deadbeat來表示。從法律角度來說,老賴指在民商領域中的一類債務人(debtor/people legally in debt),他們擁有償還到期債務的能力,但是基于主觀或客觀的原因拒不履行法院生效判決,不肯償還全部或部分債務。法律領域對這一類人更加正式的說法是defaulter或者people who default,即“失信被執行人”。

付費訂閱 pay-to-read feature

Tencent Holdings' messaging app WeChat is mulling a new pay-to-read feature that allows its official accounts to request payment from readers.

Data from Guangzhou-based market consultancy iiMedia Research showed that the number of registered WeChat official accounts surged 46.2 percent year-on-year to 12 million in 2016. This year, the figure is estimated to reach 14 million.

最近兩年,隨著邏輯思維、分答、知乎Live等平臺和內容的探索,付費訂閱(pay-to-read/paid content)也逐漸被用戶接受。

收費訂閱服務一般分為:單次訂閱(pay as you read)、周訂閱(weekly subscription service)、包月訂閱(monthly subscription service)、包年訂閱(yearly subscription service)等。


There are both "hard" and "soft" paywalls in use. "Hard" paywalls allow minimal to no access to content without subscription, while "soft" paywalls allow more flexibility in what users can view without subscribing, such as selective free content and/or a limited number of articles per month, or the sampling of several pages of a book or paragraphs of an article. (Source: Wikipedia)

寫作軟件 writing software

Eleven online writers have jointly sued Zhou Jing, writer of The Princess Weiyoung, which has been adapted into a popular TV soap opera, for copying their work. They also sued dangdang.com, the online seller of the book.

According to Beijing News, a group of volunteers compared The Princess Weiyoung with more than 200 other novels. They found that out of 294 chapters, only nine are original, according to a volunteer quoted by the newspaper.


有寫手表示,抄襲這么多書根本不用一本一本看完,只需買一個自動抓取的寫作軟件(writing software)即可。軟件里有“寫人”、“寫物”、“寫景”等大項分類,每一個大項下面還有具體的細分類別,用戶可以根據需求搜索出大量素材。

行政拘留 administrative detention


A new draft law that would change the minimum age for administrative detention from 16 to 14 has been met with both concerns of overcorrection and voices of support, albeit cautious.

The draft law comes in response to rising concerns about young offenders, especially those involved with bullying or violence at school.

行政拘留(administrative detention)是公安機關對違反行政法律的人,在短期內剝奪其人身自由的一種行政處罰。行政拘留是最嚴厲的一種行政處罰,通常適用于嚴重違反行政法律但不構成犯罪(this punishment is applicable to offences that severely violate administrative law but don’t constitute criminal charges),而警告、罰款不足以懲戒的違法行為。行政拘留期限一般為10日以內,較重的不超過15日。

行政拘留是行政處罰(administrative punishment)的一種,其他的行政處罰方式還包括:警告(warning)、罰款(fine)、沒收違法所得(confiscate illegal gains)、暫扣或吊銷許可證(withhold or revoke license)、責令停產停業(order suspension of production or business)。

英語中關于“青少年犯罪”有一個固定的說法juvenile delinquency/juvenile offending,juvenile指“未成年、青少年”,也可以形容某人“孩子氣的、幼稚的”。Delinquency這個詞指“違法行為”,尤指青少年的違法行為,實施違法行為的青少年就可以稱為delinquent。

社交媒體審查 social media checks

The Trump administration is moving to expand social media checks to cover Chinese citizens traveling to the US.

US Customs and Border Protection officials are proposing to ask Chinese visitors to disclose their social media "handles" or other identifiers on common social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. The question would be asked online as part of an electronic system Chinese holders of long-term US business and visitor visas use to advise of upcoming travel.

美國針對入境游客的“社交媒體審查”(social media check/social media screening)并不是特朗普上臺以后的新政策。去年底,奧巴馬政府就針對通過免簽證計劃(Visa Waiver Program)進入美國的游客推出過類似的政策。

入境游客需提供的社交媒體信息包括,各社交媒體的用戶名(social media handles)和其他身份信息(other identifiers),部分國家游客甚至需要提供社交媒體密碼(social media passwords),以篩查出潛在的恐怖分子(to screen out potential terrorists)。

該審查項目中列出的社交媒體網站如推特、臉書、谷歌+、Instagram以及YouTube等并不是中國大陸公民使用的主流社交媒體,被問及在線登記系統會否針對中國游客列出他們常用的社交媒體網站時(if Chinese travelers would be given choices of social media sites they most frequently used),美國海關及邊境保衛局(CBP)發言人表示,針對中國游客要列出哪些社交媒體網站,目前還沒有決定,不過,他們可以提交任何社交網站的信息。


駕駛證互認換領 driving license reciprocity

China and France signed an agreement to recognizing the validity of driving licenses issued by each other, in Beijing Tuesday.

Under the agreement, China and France will allow holders of valid driving licenses issued by either authority to drive directly or obtain driving permits without an additional test, the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) said.

“駕駛證互認”在英語中可用driving license reciprocity表示,reciprocity指“互惠、互換”,即“相互承認對方核發的有效證件,你給我什么待遇,我就給你什么待遇”。

1995年世界貿易組織成立以后,各類貿易組織內部成員之間都簽署了不同類別的雙方或多方互認協議(mutual recognition agreement,MRA),約定商品質量管控標準等領域的互認。

中法駕駛證互認換領協議規定,對于臨時進入對方境內不超過一年的(for those who stay less than one year),雙方駕駛證實現互認。臨時進入法國的,可以憑中國駕駛證和翻譯件直接駕車,無需換證(Chinese drivers in France can drive with their Chinese driving license and its translated version without obtaining a local permit);臨時進入中國的,可以持法國駕駛證和翻譯件直接換領臨時駕駛許可,免予體檢和考試(French drivers in China can obtain a temporary driving permit without going through health check and test)。互認駕駛證準駕車型包括中型客車(medium buses)、大型貨車(large scale freight trucks)、小型汽車(compact cars)和摩托車(motorcycles)。

對于在對方國家居留超過一年的(for those who stay more than one year),雙方駕駛證實現免試互換。一方公民或常駐人員持本國駕駛證和翻譯件,以及護照、簽證或者居留證件,可以直接免試換領對方國家駕駛證(they can obtain a local driving license without a test provided that they have a driving license from home country and its translated version, together with their passport, visa or residence permit)。免試換領的駕駛證準駕車型包括小型汽車(compact cars)和摩托車(motorcycles)。

實現中法駕駛證互認換領,有利于方便兩國公民駕車出行,有利于促進兩國警務合作,對推進兩國經濟合作、文化交流、人員往來具有重要意義(it is of great significance in promoting economic cooperation, cultural and personnel exchanges)。


籃協主席 president of the Chinese Basketball Association

Chinese basketball legend Yao Ming was elected as the president of the Chinese Basketball Association here on Thursday. Yao, 37, became the first-ever non-governmental personage to take the position.

姚明的當選被認為將給中國籃球帶來變革(bring about reforms to Chinese basketball)。近年來,姚明積極倡議CBA改革,提出將籃球運動職業化(professionalization),推出更好的商業模式(a better business mode)、限制外援人數(limit the numbers of foreign players)等等。

VX神經毒劑 VX nerve agent

Malaysian police said Friday that chemical weapon substance had been identified on the body of a Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) man who died in the country on Feb. 13.

According to preliminary analysis, the chemical substance found on the samples of eye mucosa and face had been identified as "VX Nerve Agent," national police chief Khalid Abu Bakar said in a statement.

“VX神經毒劑”(VX nerve agent)是所有神經性毒劑中效力最強的(the most potent of all nerve agents),是最致命的化學武器之一(one of the deadliest chemical weapons),被聯合國歸類為大規模殺傷性武器(weapon of mass destruction)。


A clear, amber-colored, oily liquid which is tasteless and odorless

The most toxic of the known chemical warfare agents, a drop of VX on your skin can be fatal. It can kill a person within minutes

Works by penetrating the skin and disrupting the transmission of nerve impulses

It can be disseminated in a spray or vapor, or used to contaminate water, food, and agricultural products

VX can be absorbed into the body by inhalation, ingestion, skin contact, or eye contact

Clothing can carry VX for about 30 minutes after contact with the vapour, which can expose other people

Exposure to a low or moderate dose of VX by inhalation, ingestion or skin absorption can cause symptoms like a runny nose, eye pain, blurred vision, drooling and excessive sweating, chest tightness, rapid breathing, increased urination, confusion, drowsiness, weakness, nausea, or vomiting

Its official chemical name is S-2 Diisoprophylaminoethyl methylphosphonothiolate and it is listed as a chemical weapon by the Chemical Weapons Convention 1997 and the Chemical Weapons Convention Act 2005
其學名為S-(2-二異丙基氨乙基)- 甲基硫代磷酸乙酯,1997年化學武器公約及2005年化學武器公約法令已將其列為化學武器

金融大鱷 financial crocodiles

Some "barbarians" and "crocodiles" hurt retail investors by plundering the stock market under the cloak of legality, said Liu Shiyu, chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), at a press conference.

"The lure of money is huge.... On the capital market, financiers are just half a step away from 'financial crocodiles'," Liu told reporters.

“野蠻人”(barbarians)、“妖精”(evil monsters)、“害人精”(poisonous demons)、“大鱷”(crocodiles),這些人的行為往往是披著合法的外衣(under the cloak of legality),打著制度的擦邊球,在資本市場上巧取豪奪(plundering the stock market),侵蝕著廣大中小投資者的合法權益。


他表示,希望資產管理人(asset managers),不當奢淫無度的土豪、不做興風作浪的妖精、不做坑民害民的害人精。用來路不當的錢從事杠桿收購(the use of improperly obtained capital for leveraged trading),行為上從門口的陌生人變成野蠻人,最后變成行業的強盜(turning strangers into barbarians at the gate, and ultimately into robbers of the industry),這是不可以的。這是在挑戰國家金融法律法規的底線,也是挑戰職業操守的底線,這是人性和商業道德的倒退和淪喪,根本不是金融創新。

“野蠻人”(barbarians)的說法來自布賴恩?伯勒(Bryan Burrough)的《門口的野蠻人》(Barbarians at the Gate)一書。該書記述了RJR納貝斯克公司的收購大戰(takeover battle for RJR Nabisco),全面展示了企業的管理者如何取得和掌握公司的控制權,是一部精彩的華爾街商戰紀實巨著。該書出版后,“野蠻人”一詞也成為流行詞,常被用來形容那些不懷好意的收購者(hostile buyers)。

(中國日報網英語點津 馬文英)



















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