[ 2007-09-19 14:13 ]
由《蘇格蘭人報》(The Scotsman)發起的一項制止人類捕殺野生鳥類的犯罪活動,近日得到了英國皇家郵政(The Royal Mail)的支持。英國皇家郵政將發行10張紀念郵票,包括蘇格蘭地區10種稀少的野生鳥類,以及一系列數字來反映近年來物種數量的減少。
A CAMPAIGN by The Scotsman to help catch people who are killing the country's birds of prey has received the backing of the Royal Mail.
Ten stamps will be issued tomorrow featuring Scotland's rare and magnificent birds together with population figures showing how they were driven to extinction in Scotland but have since recovered. The Royal Mail said creatures such as the white-tailed eagle and peregrine falcon have been slowly reintroduced to Scotland and it was vital to stop wildlife crime.
Mike Gilson, editor of The Scotsman, said: "We are delighted the Royal Mail has picked up on this issue. Anything that increases awareness has to be a good thing."
Sources: The Scotsman