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Garfield 2《加菲貓》2(精講之二)
[ 2007-02-07 17:30 ]

文化面面觀  加菲貓的前世今生   加菲貓之私密檔案

考考你  一展身手



Rabbit: Keep still. They're reading Lady Eleanor's will.

Goose: I've got a bad feeling about this.

Ducks: I can't watch. If Lord Dargis gets the estate, we're done for. We're doomed!

Rabbit: Shh! Quiet.

Lawyer: To my devoted Smithee, I make thee caretaker of my estate. Care for my beloved animal friends as you have in the past and you will always have a home at Carlyle Castle.

Smithee: Thank you, Madame.

Dargis: She's dead, Smithee. You can stop sucking up.

Lawyer: The rest of my worldly possessions, my castle and surrounding grounds, I leave to the love of my life, somebody who was like a son to me...

Dargis: Thank you, Aunt Eleanor. Oh, thank you.

Lawyer: Please let me finish, Mr. Dargis.

Dargis: I'm sorry. I always get a little ahead of myself.

Lawyer: Like a son to me, I leave all my worldly possessions to my beloved kitty, Prince the 12th.

Man: That's incredible.

Woman: Oh, my word.

Man: Entirely without precedent.

Lawyer: This is what it says.

Dargis: But I'm her nephew, her only heir. She can't have left it all to a cat.

Prince: I, Prince, the new lord of the castle? Good show, Lady Eleanor. Oh, bless her heart.

Winston: Can it be? We are delivered.

Prince: Thank you, Winston.

Lawyer: The will clearly states that you may stay on at Carlyle Castle and receive your usual stipend of, uh...50 pounds a week.

Dargis: Fifty pounds?!

Woman: Upon Prince's passing, after what we assume will be a long and happy life, you will receive the castle, the land and your title.

Dargis: But that fat ball of fur could last for another 15 years!

Man: Let us hope so.

Guide: The castle was built over 600 years ago by Lord Franklin Carlyle. Now, the initial structure is late medieval in style...

Man: In the west wing, we'll put the pool and spa.

Dargis: Yes, and where would the squash courts be?

Tourist1: Oh, there he is!

Tourist2: That's unbelievable.

Tourist3: Oh, hello.

Dargis: Snap your photos. Unfortunately, I can but spare a few moments...

Tourist1: Hey, buddy, do you mind stepping aside? I can't get a good shot of the cat.

Prince: Greetings, all. Hello. So glad. So very, very glad.

Dargis: May I remind you this is private property?

Tourist4: Oh, relax, bro, it's not like you own the place.

Dargis: We shall see.


1. Done for

意思是“Doomed to death or destruction 死定了,完蛋了”,例如 Before he went to the hospital it seemed as if he was done for.

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