[ 2006-12-15 16:20 ]
Chen Xiaoli scored 21 points with 12 rebounds asdefending championMainland of China downed Chinese Taiwan 90-59 for gold in the Asian Games women's basketball tournament.
China defeated South Korea for the title four years ago in Busan, and also won the gold 1982 and 1986.
由報道可知,“衛冕冠軍”可用“defending champion”來表達。
就漢語而言,“衛冕”即“捍衛自己的榮譽和王者地位”,照此理解,譯文“defending champion”(直譯:護衛冠軍頭銜)也就信手拈來了。
Champion除了表示“冠軍、優勝者”,還可做動詞“積極擁護、支持、捍衛”,形容詞“得一等獎的”,請看例詞:to champion the cause of civil rights(為民權事業而斗爭);a champion show dog(奪得冠軍的參展狗)。
此外,在口語中,champion還表示“非常的”,如:a champion blunder(大錯特錯);a champion idiot(大傻瓜)。