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Brain Teaser  
What is that everyone wants to have and get rid of it,too?
What is the best year for a kangaroo?
What bird can be found in your throat?
Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?
What kind of dog can jump higher than a building?
What part of a fish weighs the most?
Why do donuts go to the dentist?
How do movie stars keep cool?
How do you clean a flute?
How can you tell a clock is shy?
When is a farmer mean?
What's a golfer's favorite letter?
How do athletes stay cool during a game?
Why did the traffic light turn red?
What's too much for one and just right for two?
My uncle hasn't slept for many days but he isn't tired at all. What's his secret?
What bird can be found in your throat?
When is a bug not a bug?
What pillar is never used to hold up a building?
Why are money and a secret alike?
What bee is good for your health?
What is the best year for a kangaroo?
What do elephants use to communicate with each other?
What is it that you cannot see, but is always before you?
Why didn't the horse draw a cart?
What can you drop without losing anything?
What flies for fear of being killed?
Why do space men wear space suits?
Why did the teacher go to the beach?
Why did the tree see the dentist?
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Publisher:Ballantine Books
ISBN: 034549394X
List Price: 70 RMB
Discounted Price(優惠價): 63 RMB
You save: 7 RMB