Can blogging make you happier? According to researchers in Taiwan, the answer is “Yes.”
The researchers (Ko & Kuo, 2009) administered a 43-item self-report survey to 596 college students who were mostly between ages 16 and 22 and female (71 percent). The college students were young adults who had blogging experience, and specifically with blogging for the purpose of keeping a personal journal.
研究人員(Ko & Kuo, 2009)利用一個由43項自述組成的調查,對596名年齡在16到22歲之間的在校大學生(女性占71%)進行了一次調查。在校大學生是有博客經驗的年輕人,特別是他們抱著記私人日記的目的寫博客。
The researchers found support for deeper self-disclosure from bloggers resulting in a range of better social connections. These included things such as a sense of greater social integration, which is how connected we feel to society and our own community of friends and others; an increase in social bonding (our tightly knit, intimate relationships); and social bridging — increasing our connectedness with people who might be from outside of our typical social network.
They also hypothesized and found support from their data that when these kinds of social connections increase or grow deeper through blogging, a person will also feel a greater subjective sense of well-being or happiness.
This research is consistent with prior research on personal writing (usually more privately, though) that finds that when people share their innermost thoughts of their moods or feelings with others through writing, they may gain greater social support and improve their social relationships and feelings of connectedness. There isn’t a whole lot of research into blogging, so this study is a valuable contribution to our knowledge and understanding of this behavior.
(來源:網絡 實習生許雅寧 英語點津Jennifer編輯)