注:《納尼亞魔幻王國》由英國文學家C.S. Lewis于1950年代所創作,系列作品陸續于1950-1956年間推出,這部文學巨著已風靡全世界,影響甚廣,該書還獲得英國兒童文學的最高榮譽"卡耐基文學獎",更是被翻譯成35個語言版本,全球累積銷售超過8500萬,而目前每年仍以平均600萬冊的銷售持續吸引新的讀者。劉易斯完成整個系列用了七年時間,七個故事各自能夠獨立成章,也可以串聯構成一個恢弘的魔幻王國的歷史。
The Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis, is one of the very few sets of books that should be read three times: in childhood, early adulthood, and late in life. In brief, four children travel repeatedly to a world in which they are far more than mere children and everything is far more than it seems. Richly told, populated with fascinating characters, perfectly realized in detail of world and pacing of plot, and profoundly allegorical, the story is infused throughout with the timeless issues of good and evil, faith and hope. This boxed set edition includes all seven volumes.