Your score: 0/6
Your score: 1/6
Your score: 2/6
Your score: 3/6
Your score: 4/6
Your score: 5/6
Your score: 6/6 |
1 : In a formal letter, where should the date go? |
The possible answers were:
At the top right-hand corner of the page, under your address.
At the top right-hand corner of the page, above your address.
At the bottom left of the page.
At the bottom right of the page.
You said:
At the top right-hand corner of the page, under your address.
At the top right-hand corner of the page, above your address.
At the bottom left of the page.
At the bottom right of the page.
錯了,因為在正式書信里日期應該在右上方,而不是在右下方。 We don't put the date at the bottom of the page.
正確。在正式書信里日期應該寫在右上方、住址的下面 at the top right hand corner of the page, under your address.
不對,因為在正式書信里日期應該寫在右上方、住址的下面,而不是住址的上面 not above the address.
錯了,因為在正式書信里日期應該寫在右上方,而不是左下方。 We don't put the date at the bottom of the page.
2 : Which beginning does NOT go with a letter that ends with 'Yours faithfully'? |
The possible answers were:
Dear Sir
Dear Ms Adler
Dear Madam
To Whom It May Concern
You said:
Dear Sir
Dear Ms Adler
Dear Madam
To Whom It May Concern
不對。注意正式書信的上款和落款應該相呼應。'Yours faithfully' 這個落款表示你不知道對方的具體姓名,因此對應的上款應該是 Dear Sir 等。
很好,回答正確,因為如果你知道收信人是 Dear Ms Adler 的話,那落款就不應該是 'Yours faithfully'.
不對。注意正式書信的上款和落款應該相呼應。'Yours faithfully' 這個落款表示你不知道對方的具體姓名,因此對應的上款應該是 Dear Madam 等。
不對。注意正式書信的上款和落款應該相呼應。'Yours faithfully' 這個落款表示你不知道對方的具體姓名,因此對應的上款應該是 To Whom It May Concern 等。
3 : How should you end a letter that begins with 'Dear Miss Fahad'? |
The possible answers were:
Your sincerely
Yours sincerley
Your sincerly
Yours sincerely
You said:
Your sincerely
Yours sincerley
Your sincerly
Yours sincerely
錯了,因為兩個單詞的拼寫都有錯,各少一個字母。 Try again!
很好,回答正確 Yours sincerely 這是在知道收信人姓名的情況下的規范落款用語。
4 : "__________ the documents you requested". Which phrase should you use in a formal letter? |
The possible answers were:
Please find in
Please look inside for
Please find attached
Please find enclosed
You said:
Please find in
Please look inside for
Please find attached
Please find enclosed
a) 不對,不是規范用語。如何表達“請見附文”這個概念呢?再試試。
這句話太隨便了,不是正式書信的規范語。 那么如何表達“請見附文”這個概念呢?再試試。
不對,英語正式書信里有固定短語來表示‘請見附文’這個概念。當然,在電子郵件中你可以 'attach' 附上照片或文稿。
很好 Please find enclosed – this is the correct answer. You 'enclose' documents in a letter you send by post.
5 : "__________, Anna". Anna is emailing the CEO of a company. She has never met her face-to-face so she is writing formally. Which is the best way for Anna to end the email? |
The possible answers were:
Love from
See you
You said:
Love from
See you
不是最好的答案,因為 'Love from' 這個短語一般用于朋友間的結束語不很正式,不能用于給公司總裁的商務書信里。
不對,因為英國人只有在對特別熟悉的人或朋友才使用 'See you'.
6 : "I am writing to __________". Which phrase could begin the first line of a formal letter of complaint? |
The possible answers were:
express my dissatisfaction with...
request your assistance with...
inform you about...
You said:
express my dissatisfaction with...
request your assistance with...
inform you about...
不對,因為 'Request your assistance' 的意思是,請求協助或幫助的意思,并不表達你對某件事的不滿。
不對,因為 'Inform' 是通知,告知的意思,不能用來表示不滿。
絕對不能用這個詞,因為 'Demand' 口氣太強,意思是要求,命令,很容易引起別人的反感,所以不能用在投訴信里。