Finn: So Jean, how do you like the view across the river?
Jean: It's beautiful Finn. 好美的風景。
Finn: Yes, today we're sitting by the River Thames on a lovely sunny afternoon. This part is called the South Bank. Bank here, it means the land beside a river.
Jean: 倫敦南岸 The South Bank 就坐落在倫敦的市中心。在這里有很多的文化藝術場所和設施,像劇院、電影院、藝術畫廊等等。這里也是一個閑來散步欣賞泰晤士河沿岸風光的好地方。
Finn: Yes, so today on On The Town, we’ll be exploring the cultural delights of the peaceful South Bank.
Skateboard sounds
Jean: Finn 你剛才不是說南岸這里是個 "peaceful" 寧靜的地方嗎?那。 What's that sound?
Finn: Ah yes, I forgot to mention, the South Bank is also the main area in London for skateboarders.
Jean: Skateboarders? 玩滑板的人。 I see 就在我們的正前方,有一上邊有遮蓋的人行道,有大概20個的年輕男孩子在下面玩滑板。不過,為什么他們在這里玩這個呢?你不是說這里是英國“高尚”文化藝術的聚集地嗎?
Finn: Yes, I'm not sure why either. Let's go over and speak to one of them, and ask why this is a good area for skating.
It's got natural banks and some stairs, good street skating obstacles, and it's smooth ground 'cos it's hidden from the rain and the wind and whatever so it doesn't get beaten up by the elements.
Jean: 原來這些滑板愛好者喜歡在地形起伏適度又具挑戰性的地方練習滑板 – 就是那種有一定障礙物 obstacles 這樣的地方,可以讓他們飛來跳去的,比如說坡坡埂埂 banks, 還有臺階 stairs.
Finn: Yes, it has obstacles like stairs but the ground is actually mostly smooth.
Jean: 平滑的 smooth.
Finn: Yes, the area is hidden.
Jean: Hidden 隱蔽的。
Finn: It's hidden from the wind and the rain so that the ground doesn't get beaten up.
Jean: 就是這樣的地不至于被風雨侵蝕 beaten up.
Finn: Yes, so it doesn't get beaten up by the elements!
Jean: By the elements 自然天氣。
Finn: And there is another reason they chose this area for skating.
And it's the only legal place where we don't get harassed by any security guards. It's the only place we can do it legally without getting in trouble in the whole of London, pretty much.
Jean: It's the only place they can skate legally 合法的。
Finn: Yes, in other parts of London they get harassed by security guards.
Jean: 在其它地方他們會被安檢 security guards 進行一番盤問糾察 harassed.
Finn: But here they can do it legally and they won't get in trouble.
Jean: 確實最好不要給自己惹麻煩。 Well, I suppose they do need somewhere to skate but it is noisy!
Finn: Yes is it a bit. Why don't we wander a bit further along the river? Just under Waterloo Bridge here is a second-hand book market.
Jean: Yes, I like to find a good bargain. 對了在滑鐵盧 Waterloo 大橋下面就有一個很有名的二手書市場。
Finn: Let's ask this girl what books she's come to find.
I'm starting uni in two weeks time so I've got my little uni list and I've come to see if I can get anything.
Jean: Aha, she's starting uni.
Finn: Yes, uni is a short form of the word university. So lots of students use this word uni. She said she has her uni list – and because she's talking about books she's talking about a list of books that she needs for university.
But also you can often get stuff like out of print books. So last time I bought Faust in German and English side by side which is really hard to come by and it's really cheap.
Jean: You can get out of print books 絕版了的書。她從這里居然還買到了德語和英語對照版本的浮士德,確實難得 really hard to come by.
Finn: Yes, really hard to come by which means really hard to find.
Jean: So what does she think about the South Bank?
I love South Bank. I've always loved it. I come to the National Theatre a lot, and I've just bought some tickets so that's why I'm here today. It's always pretty and happy and chilled and nice and close to everything. In the evenings it's all lit up with fairy lights and there are lots of buskers with guitars and it's a really nice vibe.
Jean: Wow 她確實可以算是倫敦 South Bank 的熱愛者之一!買完了書還要去國家劇院看話劇。
Finn: And she also said it's chilled and has a nice vibe.
Jean: Chilled 是短語 chilled out “輕松休閑”的簡稱。她還說這里有一種很棒的氣氛 a nice vibe.
Finn: And in the evenings it's lit up with fairy lights and the sounds of buskers playing.
Jean: Fairy lights 就是起點綴作用的彩色小燈,還有 buskers 就是街頭演唱藝人。
Finn: Yes after hearing all that, I think I really fancy seeing a play in the theatre tonight. What about you?
Jean: Why not? Let's go in and see if we can get a ticket.
Finn: And that's all for this week's programme.
Jean: 我們的網站就是
Finn: Goodbye for now.
Jean: See you!