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Sherlock Holmes《大偵探福爾摩斯》精講之一

[ 2010-06-07 13:43]     字號 [] [] []  
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Watson: Holmes. You're early.

Holmes: Fashionably.

Watson: Miss Mary Morstan.

Holmes: My goodness. What a pleasure. I don't know why it's taken him so long to introduce us properly.

Mary Morstan: Pleasure is mine. It really is quite a thrill to meet you, Mr. Holmes. I've heard so much about you. I have a pile of detective novels at home. Wilkie Collins, Poe.

Watson: It's true.

Mary Morstan: It can seem a little far-fetched though sometimes making grand assumptions out of tiny details.

Holmes: That's not quite right, is it? In fact, the little details are by far the most important.

Holmes: Take Watson.

Mary Morstan: I intend to.

Holmes: See his walking stick? A rare African snakewood hiding a blade of high-tensile steel. A few were awarded to veterans of the Afghan war so I can assume he's a decorated soldier. Strong, brave, born to be a man of action. And neat, like all military men. Now, I check his pockets. Ah. A stub from a boxing match. Now I can infer that he's a bit of a gambler. I'd keep an eye on that dowry.

Watson: Those days are behind me.

Holmes: Right behind you. He's cost us the rent more than once.

Mary Morstan: Well, with all due respect, Mr. Holmes, you know John very well. What about a complete stranger? What can you tell about me?

Holmes: You?

Watson: I don't think...

Holmes: I don't know that...

Watson: Not at dinner.

Holmes: Some other time.

Mary Morstan: I insist.

Holmes: You insist?

Watson: You remember we discussed this.

Holmes: The lady insists. You're a governess.

Mary Morstan: Well done.

Watson: Yes, well done. Shall we? Waiter?

Holmes: Your student is a boy of 8.

Mary Morstan: Charlie's 7, actually.

Holmes: Charlie, huh? Then he's tall for his age. He flicked ink at you today.

Mary Morstan: Is there ink on my face?

Watson: There's nothing wrong with your face.

Holmes: There are two drops on your ear, in fact. India blue's nearly impossible to wash off. A very impetuous act by the boy. But you're too experienced to react rashly which is why the lady for whom you work lent you that. Oriental pearls, diamonds, a flawless ruby. Hardly the gems of a governess. The jewels you are not wearing tell us more.

Watson: Holmes.

Holmes: You were engaged. The ring is gone, but the lighter skin suggests that you spent some time abroad wearing it proudly until you were informed of its true, modest worth. You broke off the engagement and returned to England for better prospects. A doctor, perhaps.

Mary Morstan: Right on all counts, Mr. Holmes, apart from one. I didn't leave him. He died.

Watson: Well done, old boy.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. Pleasure is mine:相當于It's my pleasure.

2. far-fetched: 牽強附會,難以置信的。瑪麗認為福爾摩斯從細節(jié)推理出重大結(jié)論有時“牽強附會”。

例如:It's an interesting book but rather far-fetched.(這本書很有趣,只是太離奇了點。)

3. decorated soldier:授勛戰(zhàn)士。

Decorate表示“授予某人勛章”,例如:The Queen decorated the soldier.(女王授予士兵勛章。)

4. a man of action:實干家。

5. keep an eye on:照看,注意。

6. dowry:嫁妝。

除了女方的陪嫁之外,dowry還可以表示男方給女方的彩禮。例如:I will consent to my daughter's giving her hand to you only on receipt of the agreed dowry. (我只有在收到商定的彩禮后才會同意我女兒和你結(jié)婚。)

7. some other time:改天吧。

例如:Let's talk it over again some other time.(我們另外找時間再談吧。)

類似的說法:some time or other則表示“總有一天,遲早”。

8. governess:女家庭教師。舊時的說法。

9. oriental pearls: 東方珍珠。

10.break off the engagement: 解除婚約。

Break off在這里表示“解除”某種關(guān)系,通常其后加to someone。

11.old boy: 中上階層男子對其他男子的友好稱呼:老兄,伙計,哥們兒。也稱為old chap; old man.

the old boy network則引申為“校友關(guān)系網(wǎng)、老同學間的互相關(guān)照”。



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