Epilepsy device fitted in boy's skull in world first 全球首例 英國男孩植入顱內癲癇控制設備
患有嚴重癲癇的英國男孩奧蘭接受了世界首例用于控制癲癇發作的顱內設備的植入手術。通過向大腦深處發送電訊號,這個神經刺激器讓奧蘭在白天的癲癇發作頻率降低了 80% 。
Deep brain stimulation has been tried before to treat childhood epilepsy, but the device is usually placed in the chest with electrodes running up the neck. The hope is by putting a rechargeable neurostimulator in a patient's skull, it will reduce complications such as the leads breaking or eroding.
Martin Tisdall, the surgeon who led the team at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, says the device might help a small subset of the 25,000 children in the UK who have epilepsy which is not controlled by medication. Oran also has autism and ADHD, but it's his epilepsy which has been by far the biggest issue in his development. Eight months since surgery, his mum Justine says he's making good progress.
Oran is a case study of one. It will take more patients and several years of monitoring before doctors know if they have an effective new treatment for severe epilepsy.
stimulation 刺激
electrodes 電極
neurostimulator 神經刺激器
complication 使更復雜化、困難化的事物
leads 導線
subset 子集,分組
controlled 得到控制的
autism 自閉癥,孤獨癥
ADHD 注意缺陷障礙,多動癥
case study 案例研究,個案研究
monitoring 監測
1. What is new about this treatment?
2. Why is this better than previous treatments?
3. True or False? This device might help 25,000 children in the UK.
4. What conditions, other than epilepsy, does Oran have?
1. What is new about this treatment?
Previous neurostimulators were placed in patients' chests. This one is placed in the patient's skull.
2. Why is this better than previous treatments?
Because there are fewer complications, such as leads breaking or eroding.
3. True or False? This device might help 25,000 children in the UK.
False. This device might help a subset of the 25,000 children in the UK whose epilepsy is not controlled by medication.
4. What conditions, other than epilepsy, does Oran have?
Oran also has ADHD and autism.