
BBC Learning English 英語教學


Second nature 第二天性


俗話說,習慣成自然。比如,對于從小就接觸電子設備的人來說,使用科技產品已經成為了他們的習慣 “second nature”。這期節目就來介紹如何用英語表達 “second nature” 來指人的 “第二天性” 或 “習性”。


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大家好,歡迎收聽 BBC英語教學的 “地道英語” 節目。在每期節目中,我們都會介紹一個英語母語人士或講英語流利的人會用到的表達。I'm Feifei.

And I'm Beth.

這期節目中要介紹的表達是 “second nature”。首先,我和 Beth 將用英語來講解 “second nature” 的用法,在節目最后,我會用漢語進行歸納總結。

Right, Beth. I heard someone use 'second nature' at work recently talking with a new colleague. He said that although recording programmes like this looks complicated, it quickly becomes second nature.

Yes, second nature. That is a great expression! So, when something is second nature, it is so familiar to you that you can do it really easily without having to think about it.

I have a good example for this. I had to learn how to use a computer and a mobile phone, because when I was a child, they didn't exist. However, for my son, using technology like this will be second nature. He's grown up with it.

And now, for you, using technology is second nature as well! For your son, he hasn't known life without a computer and mobile phone, so it's really easy and obvious for him. Now, normally when we use this phrase 'second nature', we start with the thing that is second nature.

Yes, that's right. For example, using technology is second nature for my son. Beth, what is second nature to you??

Umm… I would say driving a car. So, I learnt how to drive when I was 17, and I'm much older than 17 now. So, I've been driving a car for many years. I don't really need to think about it. And I just do it, it's second nature.

That does make you a very experienced driver!

Now, here are some more examples of the expression 'second nature'.??

The first thing I do every morning when I wake up is make a cup of coffee. I don't even think about it, it's just become second nature.

I'm an absolutely terrible cook, but my mum is so good at cooking. It's just second nature to her.

When I first started my job, I always lost my way in the building, but now it just feels like second nature to me. I know where I need to go!

Now, we can also use 'second nature' to describe a characteristic or a habit that a person has. And this is something personal to the person. So, to give you an example, my dad is very tidy and organised, and that is just second nature to him. He automatically tidies up without having to think about it, unlike me.?

Your dad is very organised. So, that's second nature to him. So, 'second nature' can be used for anything you do, like using technology or driving a car, but it can also be a characteristic. For example, neatness is second nature to your dad.??

That's right. So, to recap, we have learnt the phrase 'second nature' which means we do something easily, without thinking about it.?

在這期節目中,我們介紹了表達 “second nature” 的用法,“second nature” 的意思是 “第二天性,習性”。比如,我們可以說 “something is second nature to you” 或者 “something comes as second nature to you”,意思就是 “你可以輕而易舉、不費吹灰之力地做一件事情,就好像是天性使然或出于本能一樣”。“Second nature” 還可以用來指 “一個人特有的性格特點或者行為習慣”。What is something that is 'second nature' to you? Make your sentence using this phrase. And we'll be back next week with another useful English phrase. See you next time!?


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