諾亞( Noah )取代連續八年蟬聯 “最受歡迎男孩名” 榜單冠軍的奧利弗( Oliver ),登上榜首。英格蘭和威爾士 2021 年的官方出生數據顯示,奧莉維婭( Olivia )連續第六年榮登 “最受歡迎女孩名” 榜首。
More than 3,500 baby girls were given the name Olivia last year, cementing its place as the firm favourite since 2016.
But after eight years at the top, Oliver fell to second place for baby boys with Noah taking the crown – being chosen more than 4,500 times in 2021.
然而,在連續八年蟬聯 “最受歡迎男孩名” 榜首后,奧利弗跌至第二,諾亞則摘得桂冠。在2021年,有4500多個男嬰被取名叫諾亞。
New entries to the top 100 include Lara and Beatrice for girls and Blake and Brody for boys. But other names have been described by the ONS as 'endangered'.
首次入圍女孩名榜單前100名的有勞拉(Lara)、碧翠斯(Beatrice),首次入圍男孩名榜單前100名的有布萊克(Blake)和布洛迪(Brody)。但與此同時,也有一些名字被英國國家統計局描述為 “面臨消失的危險”。
There have been fewer than ten new Nigels and five Glendas each year since 2018.
cementing 鞏固
the favourite 最受歡迎的名字,最討人喜歡的名字
fell to 跌至
taking the crown 奪冠,取得第一名
endangered 面臨消失的危險
1. True or false? Oliver became the second most popular boy's name last year.
2. What was the most popular baby girl's name in 2021?
3. How many times was Noah chosen?
4. What were some of the new entries to the top 100?
1. True or false? Oliver became the second most popular boy's name last year.
True. After eight years at the top, Oliver was replaced by Noah and fell to the second place.
2. What was the most popular baby girl's name in 2021?
Olivia was the most popular baby girl's name.
3. How many times was Noah chosen?
Noah was chosen 4,500 times in 2021.
4. What were some of the new entries to the top 100?
New entries to the top 100 include Lara and Beatrice for girls and Blake and Brody for boys.