中國日報網 2020-02-27 13:06
The meeting decided to expand the enrolment of postgraduate and degree programs for junior college graduates, create more jobs in medical and social services at the community level, and strengthen support for micro and small enterprises to recruit more college graduates.
在國外大學招生的過程中,經常會看到admission和enrolment這兩個詞,具體說來,admission指的是這個學校的招生條件,符合這個條件的學生都可以報考/申請這個學校,所以,admission一般指整個的招生錄取過程;而enrolment則指最后被學校錄取、學生入校注冊。當然,admission在日常的使用中還有“準許進入(某地)”的意思,比如admission fee就是“入場費、門票費”。
A total of 3.41 million people took part in China's 2020 national entrance exam for postgraduate studies in Decembber, 510,000 more than last year, the Ministry of Education said. A record 8.74 million university students are expected to graduate this year.
引導用人單位推遲面試和錄取時間(postpone interviews and hiring),對延遲離校應屆畢業生推遲報到、落戶等時限(delay the registration time and settlement of hukou for graduates who defer their graduation)。
對離校未就業高校畢業生提供2年戶口和檔案托管(unemployed graduates can have their hukou and personal files held in trust for two years),按應屆畢業生身份辦理就業手續。
積極擴大農民工就業。加大穩崗和就業補助。拓寬就地就近就業渠道(create more local or nearby jobs)。
新上一批帶動就業能力強的項目(a group of new projects providing a large number of posts will be approved)。
重大工程建設、以工代賑項目優先吸納貧困勞動力(prioritize poverty-stricken workers in recruitment)。
穩就業 keep employment stable
多渠道靈活就業 flexible employment through multiple channels
復工復產 resume work and production
實現全年經濟社會發展目標任務 achieve this year's economic and social development goals
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)