國家勛章和國家榮譽稱號頒授儀式舉行 習近平講話雙語要點
中國日報網 2019-09-29 16:43
President Xi Jinping granted the Medal of the Republic, the Friendship Medal and national honorary titles to the honorees at a ceremony held in the Great Hall of the People at 10 am Sunday.
“共和國勛章(the Medal of the Republic)”
“共和國勛章”以紅色、金色為主色調,章體采用國徽、五角星、黃河、長江、山峰、牡丹等元素(the national emblem,a five-pointed star,the Yellow River, the Yangtze River, mountains and a peony),章鏈采用中國結、如意、蘭花等元素(Chinese knots, Ruyi and orchids),整體使用冷壓成型、花絲鑲嵌、琺瑯等工藝制作,象征勛章獲得者為共和國建設和發展作出的巨大貢獻,禮贊國家最高榮譽(the highest state honor),祝福祖國繁榮昌盛,寓意全國各族人民團結一心共筑中華民族偉大復興的中國夢。
授予為黨、國家和人民的事業作出巨大貢獻、功勛卓著的杰出人士(those with great contributions and distinguished service for the Party, the country and the people),這是根據憲法法律規定,由全國人大常委會決定、國家主席簽發證書并頒授的國家勛章,是國家最高榮譽(the highest honor of the country)。
“友誼勛章(the Friendship Medal)”
“友誼勛章”以金色、藍色為主色調,章體采用和平鴿、地球、握手、荷花等元素(a peace dove, the Earth, a handshake, and a lotus),章鏈采用中國結、萬年青、牡丹、玉璧、蘭草等元素(the chain features elements such as Chinese knots, evergreens, peonies, a jade disc and orchids),整體使用花絲鑲嵌(filigree and inlay)、掐絲琺瑯(cloisonne)等傳統工藝手工制作,象征中國人民同各國人民友好團結、友誼長存,祝愿世界各國共同繁榮發展。
授予為我國社會主義現代化建設和促進中外交流合作、維護世界和平作出杰出貢獻的外國人(foreigners who have made outstanding contributions to China's socialist modernization drive, promoted exchange and cooperation between China and the world, and helped maintain world peace),為國家最高榮譽。
國家榮譽稱號(national titles of honor)
國家榮譽稱號獎章以紅色、金色為主色調,章體采用五星、天安門、牡丹、旗幟、光芒等元素(five-pointed stars,the Tian'anmen Square, peonies, flags and rays of light),章鏈采用中國結、花卉等元素(Chinese knots and flowers),整體使用冷壓成型、花絲鑲嵌、琺瑯等工藝制作,象征國家榮譽稱號獲得者在各領域各行業作出的重大貢獻,彰顯示范引領作用,激勵全國各族人民不忘初心、牢記使命,為實現中華民族偉大復興的中國夢而不懈奮斗。
授予在經濟、社會、國防、外交、教育、科技、文化、衛生、體育等各領域各行業作出重大貢獻、享有崇高聲譽的杰出人士(prominent figures who have made great contributions and earned reputations in fields such as economy, society, national defense, diplomacy, education, science, culture, health and sports)。
The awardees are outstanding representatives of the people who contributed to the cause of the Party and the people,and their deeds and contributions will always be marked in the history of the PRC.
When people respect and advocate heroes, more heroes will come to the fore, the Party and the state have always attached great importance to honoring heroes and role models.
Today, we honor these heroes and role models with the highest standards to promote their qualities of loyalty, perseverance and humbleness, their loyalty to the cause of the Party and the people, their dedication to hard work for decades in a row in the fields where the Party and the people need them most, and their humbleness to make huge sacrifice at ordinary job posts without pursuing fame or self-interests.
Heroes and role models once again demonstrate with their actions that greatness comes out of the ordinary, adhering to firm ideals and convictions and working tirelessly to have their jobs done, every ordinary person can have an extraordinary life and every ordinary job can produce extraordinary achievements.
Chinese people are willing to work with people of all countries to build a community with a shared future for humanity and to make the planet a better place.
(中國日報網英語點津 馬文英)