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Are we addicted to video games? 從玩游戲上癮得出的一點思考


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有人說,愛玩是人類的天性。隨著科技的發展,電子游戲已成為現代人用來豐富生活、尋求挑戰的一項娛樂活動。從模擬、冒險、動作到角色扮演,再到近年來非常流行的 VR 虛擬現實游戲,電子游戲的類別多種多樣,玩法千變萬化。雖然玩游戲可以放松身心,但有些人卻沉迷在幻想的世界中,無法自拔。玩游戲上癮這一趨勢是否愈演愈烈?這種消遣方式有哪些積極作用?本集《隨身英語》談談 “電游癮”。

Vocabulary: gaming addiction 詞匯: 游戲癮

It's human nature to want to play. From board games to sports, games have been an integral part of human culture since time immemorial. Since their invention in the mid-20th century, video games have been among the most popular pastimes. In fact, in 2018 UK gamers spent on average over seven hours a week playing, according to market research conducted by global network provider Limelight. But how much is too much? When does entertainment become an addiction? Are we hooked on video games?

'The urge to play never goes away,' said Sean – not his real name - on the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire programme. His fixation with gaming once involved playing for 48 hours straight. It consumed him to the point he would ignore his family and children and ended up losing them along with his job and home. Since then he has checked into rehab, and despite falling off the wagon once or twice, he has been on track for the last 14 months.

'Sean' is not alone. The UK Addiction Treatment group have noticed an increase in the number of people seeking treatment for gaming addiction from four in 2014 to 22 in 2018, they told the BBC. And in 2018 the World Health Organization classified gaming addiction as a disorder. In the UK, an enquiry into technology addiction held by the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee included testimony from self-professed gaming addicts. One, Matus Mikus, said "games by their very nature are addictive."

However, the association for UK Interactive Entertainment informed the committee that there was a 'lack of evidence' around the addiction. They stated that gaming could be a 'force for good, encouraging, among other things, critical thinking skills'. Indeed, in a 2018 BBC article, registrar in anaesthetic and intensive care at Sheffield Teaching Hospital, Rajin Chowdhury seems to agree. Gaming, he says, made him more dextrous, improved hand-eye coordination and aided procedures that were performed remotely through looking at a screen, especially where the surgery controls were not intuitive.

Are video games addictive? It's unclear. Like anything, moderation is key. The games themselves may not be the problem, but letting them negatively impact our lives certainly is. With that in mind, play well, have fun and don't forget to take regular breaks.


pastime 消遣
gamer 游戲玩家
entertainment 娛樂
addiction 成癮
hooked on 被…迷住的
urge 強烈的欲望,沖動
fixation 執迷
straight 連續地
consume 吞噬
rehab 康復治療
fall off the wagon 舊癮復發
on track 在正軌上
treatment 治療
addictive 使人上癮的
critical thinking 批判性思維
dextrous 靈巧的,敏捷的
hand-eye coordination 手眼協調
surgery controls 手術操作桿
intuitive 憑直覺的
moderation 適度、合理


1. 閱讀課文并回答問題。

1. True or false: People have always played games.

2. Since he quit playing video games, has 'Sean' ever played again?

3. What did the World Health Organisation do in 2018?

4. What benefits did playing video games bring to Rajin Chowdhury?

5. Which word in the text means 'existing or happening for a very long time'?

2. 請在不參考課文的情況下完成下列練習。選擇一個意思合適的單詞填入句子的空格處。

1. He hasn't played cards in ages. Now he's ______ on doing origami!

pastime                   addicted                       fixation                               hooked

2. I though she wasn't drinking alcohol but it seems she's ______.

consume                 dextrous                      moderation                          fallen off the wagon

3. The advantage of touch-screen technology is that its controls are ______.

intuitive                   dextrous                       critical                                 addictive

4. A world-class tennis champion needs excellent ______.

controls                   critical thinking             hand-eye coordination         moderation

5. When angry, try to resist the ______ to shout. Take a deep breath and calm down.

fixation                    urge                              skill                                       addiction


1. 閱讀課文并回答問題。

1. True or false: People have always played games.
True. From board games to sports, games have been an integral part of human culture since time immemorial.

2. Since he quit playing video games, has 'Sean' ever played again?
Yes. He has fallen off the wagon once or twice.

3. What did the World Health Organisation do in 2018?
The WHO classified gaming addiction as a disorder.

4. What benefits did playing video games bring to Rajin Chowdhury?
He says gaming made him more dextrous, improved hand-eye coordination and aided procedures performed remotely through a screen.

5. Which word in the text means 'existing or happening for a very long time'?
Immemorial. (From board games to sports, games have been an integral part of human culture since time immemorial.)

2. 請在不參考課文的情況下完成下列練習。選擇一個意思合適的單詞填入句子的空格處。

1. He hasn't played cards in ages. Now he's hooked on doing origami!

2. I though she wasn't drinking alcohol but it seems she's fallen off the wagon.

3. The advantage of touch-screen technology is that its controls are intuitive.

4. A world-class tennis champion needs excellent hand-eye coordination.

5. When angry, try to resist the urge to shout. Take a deep breath and calm down.




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