中國日報網 2018-05-08 10:46
According to the plan, 2,000 monitoring stations will be built in two years in Sichuan and Yunnan, two quake-prone provinces in southwest China, said scientists with the Institute of Care-life, a disaster-reduction lab based in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan.
Aerial photo taken on March 28, 2018 shows the new Beichuan county, Southwest China's Sichuan province. [Photo/Xinhua] |
地下云圖網(underground seismic network for earthquake monitoring)是通過在四川、云南建設2000個地下云圖監測站(monitoring stations),實時關注與地震發生直接相關的物理量——地下應力和能量(underground stress and energy),從而形成它們的動態演化圖。
新建設的川滇地下云圖網的主要科學目標是,解決淺源(深度小于20千米)破壞性地震的臨震預報(to predict shallow earthquakes whose epicenters are less than 20 kilometers deep)難題。臨震預報(imminent earthquake prediction)是指對某地幾天以內,在較小范圍內可能發生的破壞性地震做出的預報。
按照科研計劃,地震預警四川省重點實驗室、成都高新減災研究所將用1至2年建成川滇地下云圖網;再用3年時間,運用新建設的地下云圖網采集10個左右破壞性地震的案例(monitor the region for three years and expect to collect data on about 10 earthquakes in this period),進行地震預報的內部技術試驗等。目前,首個地下云圖網監測站和傳感設備,已在汶川縣映秀地震臺部署完成。
地震之所以可怕,除了其來勢迅猛,猝不及防外,還因為它往往破壞力驚人。英語中,描述其破壞力的詞,按由輕到重的次序大致有damage,destroy, devastate,shatter,level,flatten等等。
Damage 是指“損害,破壞”,但不是特別嚴重,還可以修復的那種,比如:
Apart from hydropower projects, the earthquake damaged some power equipment manufacturers in Sichuan including Dongfang Electric in Hanwang in Deyang that was badly damaged when several buildings collapsed, causing several hundred deaths.
Destroy 表示“完全破壞,消滅,摧毀,奪去人的生命”,被摧毀的物件不能再用。比如:
Disasters, such as the quake, that destroy lives somehow create a renewed sense of selfless compassion.
Devastate 也是表示“摧毀,破壞”,它比destroy的威力還要大、涵蓋的面還要廣,destroy 通常限定于某一地、某事物或是人,而devastate 還可表示“情感上,精神上也遭破壞,整個系統的完全潰敗”,比如:
She was devastated by the loss of her mother.
Shatter 指“粉碎,砸碎,毀壞,毀滅”,比如在地震中那些破碎的玻璃和房屋:
All the glass and some of the buildings shattered when the earthquake hit the city.
Level 和 flatten 的意思差不多,都是表示受害非常嚴重,“被夷為平地”,比如:
The quake leveled entire towns, flattening the simple adobe, brick structures and leaving nothing but rubble.
淺源地震 shallow earthquake
破壞性地震 destructive earthquake
震中 epicenter
地震波 seismic wave
地震預報 earthquake prediction
震級 earthquake magnitude
余震 aftershock
地震次生災害 seismic secondary disaster
(中國日報網英語點津 馬文英)