
BBC Learning English 英語教學


The script of this programme 本節目臺詞

Li: Oh, 今天天氣這么好,戶外野餐,沒治了!Finn. Thank you for inviting me.

Finn: Yes, Li. I thought we could enjoy this rare sunny day in London and I wanted you to try some of my new recipes.

Li: 品嘗你的新菜譜總是令我很開心啊,你可謂是一個真正的英國名廚,一流的。Finn 你知道嗎,我從未想到我竟然會喜歡吃你的橄欖白巧克力沙拉!

Finn: And what about the beetroot loaf?

Li: 對了,還有你的紫菜頭面包,很不尋常不過味道還不錯,我很可能再要一塊!

Finn: OK. But now it's time for my best creation: my special ice cream. Here it is, Li. This is the bee's knees!

Are there bee's knees in Finn's special ice cream?

Li: 你的冰淇淋是 the bee's knees?! 蜜蜂的膝蓋?!

Finn: Yes! Here is the bowl and the spoon. Tuck in!

Li: 不要不要,我不想吃,你怎么這么殘忍,可憐的蜜蜂,膝蓋都沒了,怎么產蜜呢?Finn, 別忘了,每個人都喜歡吃蜂蜜!

Finn: Oh, Li, no, no, no, no. No bees were harmed in the making of this dish.

Li: 真的?你真的沒有傷害那些無辜的蜜蜂?在提取蜜蜂膝蓋的時候你用沒用麻藥?

Finn: 'The bee's knees' is an expression we use in English to say that something or someone is exceptionally good.

Li: Ahhh I see...

Finn: That's it!

Li: 'The bee's knees' 原來這是一個成語,意思是什么東西或什么人非常出色.

Finn: Let's hear some examples.

  • I used to play in a band when I was younger. We had a few fans and we thought we were the bee's knees. Yesterday I listened to one of our tapes and we sounded horrible!
  • This is the best laptop I've ever bought. It is very light and has the best features. It is really the bee's knees!

Finn: You see, there are no knees and no bees in this ice cream - only a great taste! It's the bee's knees because it's exceptionally good. Really, really good and it's made of cinnamon! What do you think, Li?

Li: 你真有創造性。肉桂冰淇淋,從來沒有聽說過。不過,Finn 你看,你看,公園里的蜜蜂怎么都飛過來了,知道你不會傷害它們,這些聰明的小家伙都蜂擁而上,要來品嘗你的美味冰淇淋,我們要不要換個地方?

Finn: Yes! Come on. That's a very good idea, Li. Let's get out of here! Bye.

Li: Bye.

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