海選 audition
[ 2009-09-04 17:29 ]
看外電一段有關“快樂男聲”的相關報道:The wildly popular Chinese version of the "American Idol" song contest has secured approval for a 2007 season, state media reported Wednesday.
Producers this year plan to whittle down the number of contestants -- more than 100,000 entered last year -- with an Internet audition system aimed also at preventing a crush of applicants from besieging production sites.
報道說,3月22日,備受歡迎的中國版“美國偶像”選秀節目“快樂男聲”正式啟動。主辦方湖南衛視首次設立了“網絡海選”,參賽選手可將視頻上傳至相關網站參賽。由報道可知,“網絡海選”相應的英文表達為“Internet audition (system)”。
如果看過“美國偶像”,您會發現,“audition”是“偶像”在第一輪選拔時最常用的詞匯。“Audition”原意指“第一次上鏡”,如果運用到選秀節目,它特指經過第一次試唱從最普通的報名者當中篩選這一機制。這層含義與中國選秀節目中的“海選”頗為相通,由此,選秀節目中的“海選”可表達為“(first/initial) audition”。
再看下面一個例子,援引“美國偶像”相關報道:Hicks, the new "American Idol", had barely survived the first audition at which judge Simon Cowell warned he didn't have a chance of advancing in the contest. (新任“美國偶像”泰勒·希克斯在海選時險遭淘汰,評委西蒙·柯維爾當時預言他不可能再順利晉級。)