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high-quality development
Heed the requirement that development must be high quality; coordinate efforts to pursue the five-sphere integrated plan and the four-pronged comprehensive strategy; continue to regard supply-side structural reform as our main task; coordinate all work to maintain stable growth, promote reform, make structural adjustments, improve living standards, and guard against risk.
The above targets take into consideration the need to secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and are fitting given the fact that China's economy is transitioning from a phase of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality development.
Our SOEs should, through reform and innovation, become front-runners in pursuing high-quality development.
China will further expand the scope and raise the quality of its opening up; the structure, layout, institutions, and mechanisms for opening up will be improved, and we will use high-standard opening up to generate high-quality development.
國務院發展研究中心副主任王一鳴指出,高質量發展(high-quality development)根本在于經濟的活力、創新力和競爭力,供給側結構性改革(supply-side structural reform)是根本途徑。他認為,當前轉向高質量發展具備很多有利的基礎性條件,比如過去五年最終消費的上升、服務業占比的提高大大增強了經濟運行的穩定性,中等收入群體(middle-income group)規模的不斷增大提供了強大的市場驅動力,供給側結構性改革有效強化了市場功能,科技創新和技術擴散為高質量發展提供了技術支撐,全球價值鏈的變化為高質量發展提供機遇。
modernized economy
We will devote attention to addressing unbalanced and insufficient development. Centering on developing a modernized economy, we will put quality first and give priority to performance, and promote economic structural improvement and upgrading. We must respect objective economic laws, consider both long-and near-term needs, ensure the economy performs within a reasonable range, and achieve a situation in which steady economic growth and improvement in quality and performance reinforce each other.
中國人民大學國家發展與戰略研究院研究員楊瑞龍表示,要建設現代化經濟體系(modernized economy),必須要正確處理政府與市場之間的關系,原則是要發揮市場經濟在資源配置中的決定性作用和更好地發揮政府作用。
"要建立現代化經濟體系,必須要超越過去四十年的一些結構改革調整的思路,即不應當就市場談市場,就經濟談經濟。"中國人民大學副校長、國家發展與戰略研究院執行院長劉元春說,市場經濟體系的建設不在于簡單的培育市場主體(market entities)本身。這些年政府的信用膨脹是一個很大的問題,因此對政府的權力約束和再定位變得非常關鍵。
three critical battles against potential risk, poverty, and pollution
We will ensure success in the three critical battles against potential risk, poverty, and pollution, battles that are important for decisively bringing to completion the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. We need to adopt targeted approaches and specific measures, draw up timetables and roadmaps, and set well-defined priorities. We will make sure risks and potential dangers are effectively controlled, make sure poverty alleviation is fully accomplished, and make sure there is an overall improvement in the quality of the environment.
We will improve the structure of budgetary spending, making sure that more financial allocations are used for the public good and universal benefit, increasing support for the three critical battles against potential risk, poverty, and pollution, and weighting spending toward innovation-driven development, agriculture, rural areas, and rural residents, and the improvement of living standards.
Fighting three critical battles. To fulfill our key annual tasks, we need to make everyone involved clear about their responsibilities, strengthen policy implementation, and ensure that every element of work is done to good, solid effect.
全國政協委員、清華大學中國與世界經濟研究中心主任李稻葵指出,2018年我國的面臨三大攻堅戰中,風險防控(risk prevention and control)是第一位的。當前我國大量的金融資產以流動性很強的存款與現金的形式存在,未來的十年、二十年,資金跨境的流動都需加強管理。
全國政協委員、中央財經領導小組辦公室副主任楊偉民表示,防范金融風險第一步要在實體經濟方面繼續深化供給側結構性改革,繼續清理"僵尸企業(zombie enterprise)"、去過剩產能。
change in quality, change in efficiency, and change in growth drivers
Continue to regard supply-side structural reform as our main task; coordinate all work to maintain stable growth, promote reform, make structural adjustments, improve living standards, and guard against risk; work hard to reform and open up further; explore new ideas on and improve macro regulation; promote a change in quality, change in efficiency, and change in growth drivers.
王一鳴指出,十九大報告強調我國"正處在轉變發展方式、優化經濟結構、轉換增長動力的攻關期(in a pivotal period in the transformation of its growth model, its structural improvement and its shift to new growth drivers)",也就是說要攻克三個關口:轉方式、優結構、增動力。"我們的要素大規模、高強度投入的條件正發生明顯的變化。未來怎樣提高要素的生產率,是我們攻克轉換增長動力的關口的重要條件。"
rural revitalization strategy
Making strong moves in the rural revitalization strategy. Plans will be well designed and the institutions and mechanisms needed to achieve integrated urban-rural development will be improved. We will rely on reform and innovation to build powerful new growth drivers for rural development.
We will continue to pursue a Chinese path to socialist rural revitalization, and work faster to achieve agricultural and rural modernization.
中央農村工作領導小組辦公室主任韓俊認為,實施鄉村振興戰略(rural revitalization strategy),是黨的十九大作出的重大決策部署,是決勝全面建成小康社會、全面建設社會主義現代化國家的重大歷史任務,是中國特色社會主義進入新時代做好"三農"工作的新旗幟和總抓手。
他表示,鄉村振興是以農村經濟發展為基礎,包括農村文化、治理、民生、生態等在內的鄉村發展水平的整體性提升。要按照產業興旺、生態宜居、鄉風文明、治理有效、生活富裕的總要求(to build rural areas with thriving businesses, pleasant living environments, social etiquette and civility, effective governance, and prosperity),統籌謀劃農村經濟建設、政治建設、文化建設、社會建設、生態文明建設和黨的建設,注重協同性、關聯性、整體性,推動農業全面升級、農村全面進步、農民全面發展。
(中文來源:新華網? 編輯:彭娜)
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