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Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) meets with FIFA president Gianni Infantino in Beijing, capital of China, June 14, 2017. (Xinhua/Xie Huanchi) |
Chinese President Xi Jinping met with FIFA president Gianni Infantino on Wednesday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.
Xi noted that the Chinese government attached great significance to the development of soccer and provided strong and consistent support for the sport.
在會見中,習近平表示,足球運動的真諦不僅在于競技,更在于增強人民體質,培養人們愛國主義、集體主義、頑強拼搏的精神(the essence of soccer lies not only in competition, but, more importantly, in enhancing people's health and cultivating people's patriotism, collectivism and the spirit of indomitable struggle)。
習近平指出,近年來,我們集中力量制定足球改革和發展總體方案,堅定推進改革。我們正在培養全社會足球文化(promoting the philosophy of soccer among the whole society),深化足球管理體制改革,建立符合世界足球發展規律和中國國情、專業高效的組織管理體系(establishing a professional and effective management system in accordance with the rules of the sport's global development and China's national situation),大力發展青少年足球,完善足球場地等基礎設施,加強國際交流借鑒(enhancing international exchanges),通過扎扎實實的努力,久久為功,逐步提高中國足球水平(gradually raising the level of China's soccer sport through solid and continuous work over a long time),讓積極向上的足球文化成為中國人民實現中國夢的正能量。
習近平贊賞因凡蒂諾就任國際足聯主席后致力于足球事業發展、關注中國足球事業(Xi thanked Infantino for having provided great support to the development and reform of soccer as a sport in China),強調中方將積極支持國際足聯工作,愿為推動世界足球運動發展做出應有貢獻。中國同國際足聯合作前景廣闊(China-FIFA cooperation has a good future)。
2015年3月,國務院辦公廳印發了《中國足球改革發展總體方案》(overall reform plan to boost the development of soccer in China),要求半行政化的中國足協(semi-administrative Chinese Football Association)與國家體育總局(General Administration of Sport of China)分離,使足協成為一個成熟的非政府組織(a full-fledged nongovernmental organization)。體育彩票(sports lottery)將用來增加投資促進足球業發展,增設兩個國家級足球訓練中心(soccer training centers)。
2016年4月11日,國家發改委、國家體育總局等部門聯合發布了《中國足球中長期規劃(2016-2050年)》(The Mid- and Long-Term Development Plan for Chinese Soccer),表示將建設足球一流強國(world-leading soccer power/world soccer superpower)。
《規劃》包括近期、中期和長期三個時間段,內容涉及足球體制改革(soccer reform)、校園足球普及(popularization of campus soccer)、人才培養(talents training)、場地建設等多個方面。
近期目標(short-term goals,2016—2020年)主要是發展校園足球、社會足球,以及建立體制機制和政策法規。
至2020年,全國特色足球學校達到2萬所(the number of schools with a specialty in soccer will reach 20,000);
中小學生經常參加足球運動人數超過3000萬人(there will be over 30 million primary and middle school students who often play soccer);
全國足球場地數量超過7萬塊(there will be over 70,000 soccer pitches around the country),使每萬人擁有0.5-0.7塊足球場地。
中期目標(mid-term goals,2021—2030年),要求國家男足躋身亞洲前列,女足重返世界一流強隊行列(national men's team stand out in Asia and women's team return to the leading powers in the world)。
遠期目標(long-term goals,2013-2050年),要求達到足球一流強國的目標,中國足球實現全面發展(realize the goals of being the top class soccer nation and all-round development of Chinese soccer)。
(中國日報網英語點津 馬文英)
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