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中國日報網 2016-12-23 15:16









1. Chin up, little one. 別灰心,小家伙。

2. In some packs, the runt gets eaten. 某些族群里最小的會被吃掉。

3. I thought I made myself clear. 我想我說得夠清楚了。

4. No need to get worked up. Okay? 不用那么激動,好嗎?

5. Then let's quit wasting time and get on with it. 那就別浪費時間了,直奔主題吧。

6. I would've done this myself, but I'm afraid of heights. 要不是我恐高,我就自己上了。

7. Listen to me, you con artist! He may not know your game, but I do. 你聽好了,你這騙子!他不清楚你的把戲,但我清楚。

8. Do I have to spell this out? 非得讓我把話說明嗎?

9. You stood your ground, old boy. 干得漂亮,伙計。






Baloo: Relax, kid. No need to get worked up. Okay?

Mowgli: Where am I?

Baloo: Uh...This is a cave. It's my cave. You don't remember what happened, do you?

Mowgli: No.

Baloo: I saved your life. Yeah, I snatched you from the jaws of death. The coils of death, if you will. And lucky for you, your new favourite hero, old Baloo, here, just happened to be passing by. Uh, no big deal. Just tell me this. Can you...climb?

Mowgli: Yeah.

Baloo: Then let's quit wasting time and get on with it.

Mowgli: Get on with what?

Baloo: Payback, kid. Payback.

Mowgli: What do you mean "payback"? Payback for what?

Baloo: You owe me, kid. You owe me. You owe me.

Mowgli: Slow down.

Baloo: And you're gonna pay back.

Mowgli: But, but...

Baloo: Because that's right. You're gonna do the right thing. That's the right thing to do. You're gonna pay me back, because you owe me. You got it? (SNIFFING) Okay, here's our little task. You see that golden stuff, dripping down there? That's called "honey." All you need to do, little one, for payback purposes, is to just shimmy on up there, and get me that thing up there that's making that funny noise and bring it back down.


Mowgli: You're kidding me, right?

Baloo: No, not really.

Mowgli: (SCOFFS) I can get killed going up there.

Baloo: Kid! Kid, kid, kid. Try to understand this. I'm a bear. It means that I have to eat my weight every day for hibernation purposes. (STUTTERS) I know I'm asking for a lot, but I don't climb and you do. Look, I really need your help. Winter's coming. You don't want me to go to sleep...and never wake up.



Mowgli: There are a lot of bees up here.

Baloo: Yeah, some. But don't worry. These ones don't sting. Attaboy!

Mowgli: Ow! I'm getting stung!

Baloo: (SIGHS) Okay. I would've done this myself, but I'm afraid of heights.

Indian pangolin: Oh, boy. Here we go again.

Baloo: Why don't you mind your own business? You can do it!

Indian pangolin: He's just gonna run away.

Baloo: Not this one.

Indian pangolin: As soon as the monkeys get stung, they always run away.

Baloo: He's not a monkey.

Indian pangolin: What is he?

Baloo: A man-cub.

Indian pangolin: A man-cub?

Baloo: Yeah! Could you keep your voice down? I'm trying to concentrate. Everything going A-okay up there?

Mowgli: Ow!

Squirrel: Oh, boy. Looks like you got another one.

Baloo: Buzz off.

Indian pangolin: It's a man-cub.

Squirrel: A man-cub?

Indian pangolin: Yeah, it's a man-cub.

Squirrel: It's not a monkey?

Indian pangolin: No, it's a man-cub!

Baloo: You have never been a more endangered species than you are at this moment. You're doing an amazing job!

Mowgli: I'm getting stung!

Fred(pygmy hog): Oh, boy. Here we go again.

Squirrel: It's not a monkey, Fred.

Indian pangolin: It's a man-cub.

Fred: A man-cub?

Indian pangolin: Yeah, it's a man-cub.

Squirrel: Can you believe it?

Fred: Are you sure?

Baloo: Would you please shut up? Hey, up there! (CHUCKLES) Everything is going fantastically, I see.


Baloo: You got it! Believe in yourself! There you go!

Mowgli: Ow!

Baloo: Come on! Almost! Yeah! (CHUCKLES) Yeah! Oh, yeah!

Fred: Uh-oh.


Indian pangolin: Fred?

Fred: (SQUEALING) (MOANING) Oh, yeah, exfoliate me.

Mowgli: You said they didn't sting. What do you call this?

Baloo: How the heck did you do that? Oh, those must have been females! (GROANS LOUDLY) They look like males from down here. Females do sting. Just put some honey on those.

Mowgli: Honey? Really?

Baloo: Yeah. You put it on, you lick it off. You feel much better.

Squirrel: It's nature's ointment. (WHISPERS) I put it everywhere.

Mowgli: Thanks. Okay, so, we're even now!


(中國日報網英語點津 陳丹妮)



















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