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10 movies this child of the '80s wants her kids to learn from
3. Your mom and dad were young and clueless and angst-ridden once, too. (Back to the Future)
3.你的爸爸媽媽也曾年少無知,焦慮不安。電影《回到未來》)(Back to the Future)
It was something of a revelation for me when I saw Michael J. Fox's Marty McFly interact with his parents as awkward teenagers in Back to the Future. As Marty observes his dad's teenage cluelessness, he says, "It's a wonder I was even born." Part of my job, I feel, is to allow my children to know that I was in their shoes once, and I still don't know everything... but I know more than they do. For now. OK, maybe not when it comes to new math, but still.
當年我觀看這部電影,看到邁克爾·J·??怂梗∕ichael J. Fox)扮演的馬丁·麥克弗萊(Marty McFly )回到過去,同十幾歲時的雙親交流時,不禁有所頓悟,馬丁看到父親的窘態,忍不住說道:“他能追到我媽,我還能出生真是個奇跡。”而我作為一個父親,我覺得,有必要讓我的孩子知道,我也曾像他們一樣經歷過種種喜樂困苦,但是我仍不能徹底頓悟……但是我還是比他們懂得多 ?,F在嘛,翻開新版課本讓我解數學題我可能做不出,但是我還是比他們懂得多。
上一篇 : 昔日“全美最幸福的人”是否依舊幸福?
下一篇 : 完美第一印象十大法則
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