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Rise in the metrosexual: Sales of men's beauty products soar 20% in five years
過去5年,男性護膚產品銷量上升20%,信譽產品銷售尤為強勁。 |
Many men may be making sacrifices amid the continuing economic gloom but looking good isn’t one of them. Sales of facial skincare products for men have risen by 20 per cent in the past five years, with particularly strong sales of prestige products. A study by market researchers Mintel found that total sales of men’s grooming products was now £58million, up 3.6 per cent on the year. Moisturiser was used by 42 per cent of men, while facial cleanser was used by almost a quarter (22 per cent). As many as 23 per cent of all men use lip balm, while 16 per cent use facial wipes. Eye cream and gels are used by seven per cent of men, while almost the same number use face masks and peels (six per cent). A further eight per cent use anti ageing products. Charlotte Libby, a Mintel analyst, said: ‘Prestige products have benefited from the “Lipstick Effect”, which has seen sales of luxury beauty products remain strong despite the economic downturn, as consumers treat themselves to small items. 'Additionally, increased and improved distribution channels will have no doubt buoyed the prestige sector.' Top of the range products have risen by almost 10 per cent with people treating themselves despite being strapped for cash. Many men may be making sacrifices amid the continuing economic gloom but looking good isn’t one of them. Sales of facial skincare products for men have risen by 20 per cent in the past five years, with particularly strong sales of prestige products. A study by market researchers Mintel found that total sales of men’s grooming products was now £58million, up 3.6 per cent on the year. Moisturiser was used by 42 per cent of men, while facial cleanser was used by almost a quarter (22 per cent). As many as 23 per cent of all men use lip balm, while 16 per cent use facial wipes. Eye cream and gels are used by seven per cent of men, while almost the same number use face masks and peels (six per cent). A further eight per cent use anti ageing products. Charlotte Libby, a Mintel analyst, said: ‘Prestige products have benefited from the “Lipstick Effect”, which has seen sales of luxury beauty products remain strong despite the economic downturn, as consumers treat themselves to small items. 'Additionally, increased and improved distribution channels will have no doubt buoyed the prestige sector.' Top of the range products have risen by almost 10 per cent with people treating themselves despite being strapped for cash. |
在經濟持續低迷的情況下,許多男性會放棄一些消費項目,但是美容產品不在其列。 據英國《每日郵報》報道,過去5年,男性護膚產品的銷量上升了20%,品牌產品的銷售勢頭尤為強勁。 ***男性護膚品增長強勁 全球性調研公司英敏特(Mintel)的市場調查員經過研究發現,男性美容產品2012年的銷售額為5800萬英鎊(約合人民幣54.5億元),增幅為3.6%。 研究發現,男士如今更加注重面部皮膚保養,有7%的男士承認,花費大量時間保養面部已經是家常便飯。其中,42%的男士使用保濕面霜,將近22%的男士使 用洗面奶,潤唇膏和卸妝棉則分別受到23%和16%男士的青睞。另外,7%的男士使用眼霜和凝膠,6%的男士做面膜,還有8%的男士使用抗衰老產品。 英敏特公司分析師夏洛特?莉比說:“得益于品牌產品和男性護理產品的強勁銷售勢頭,面部護膚市場在2012年表現不錯。品牌產品得益于所謂的‘口紅效應’ (低價產品偏愛趨勢)。目前經濟不景氣,消費者轉而購買小商品來安慰自己,所以奢侈護膚品的勢頭很好。另外,分銷渠道日益增加,并有所改善,毫無疑問也有 幫助?!?/p> 雖然現金并不充裕,但是人們并不虧待自己。頂級護膚產品的銷量也因此增加了近10%。 ***男女護膚依然有別 和男性相比,女性不會輕信廣告中宣傳的護膚品的效果。研究顯示,52%的女性不會一直相信廣告宣傳,男性中這一比例為32%。研究還發現,名人效應對護膚品銷售影響有限,只有4%的男性和3%的女性購買名人代言的產品。 莉比說:“雖然眾多男士也開始保護皮膚,但男性使用面部護膚品的比例仍然低于女性。另外,有19%的男士承認,只有在臉上出了問題以后才會護膚。男性這種被動應對的態度是護膚產業所面臨的最大挑戰?!?/p> 肥皂曾經是面部清理的唯一選擇,目前已逐漸淡出市場。女性使用肥皂的比例從2012年的58%降至2013年的36%,肥皂也成為最大的銷售輸家。 相關閱讀 (翻譯:yuanlu 編輯:Julie) |
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