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《沃特希普荒原》(1972)是英國作家理查德? 亞當斯的處女作,被譽為兔子版的《奧德賽》,出版當年就獲得了英國兒童文學大獎卡內基獎,從而暢銷英倫三島內外,是一部堪與《柳林風聲》和《動物莊園》相媲美的現代經典作品。
By Richard Adams
毅白 選譯
Chapter Seven The Lendri and the River (Excerpt) Hazel came out on the further side of the grass and followed the path round a bend. Then he stopped dead and sat back on his haunches.[1] In front of him, Bigwig and Dandelion were staring out from the sheer edge of a high bank, and below the bank ran a stream. It was in fact the little river Enborne, twelve to fifteen feet wide and at this time of year two or three feet deep with spring rain, but to the rabbits it seemed immense, such a river as they had never imagined. The moon had almost set[2] and the night was now dark, but they could see the water faintly shining as it flowed and could just make out, on the further side, a thin belt of nut trees and alders. Somewhere beyond, a bird called three or four times and was silent. One by one, most of the others came up, stopped at the bank and looked at the water without speaking. A chilly breeze was moving and several of them trembled where they sat. “Well, this is a nice surprise, Hazel,” said Bigwig at length[3]. “Or were you expecting this whenyou took us into the wood?” Hazel realized that Bigwig was probably going to be troublesome. He was certainly no coward, but he was likely to remain steady only as long as he could see his way clear and be sure of what to do. To him, perplexity[4] was worse than danger; and when he was perplexed he usually grew angry. The day before, Fiver’s warning had troubled him, and he had spoken in anger to the Threarah and left the Owsla. Then, while he was in an uncertain mood about the idea of leaving the warren, Captain Holly had appeared in capital[5] time to be attacked and to provide a perfect reason for their departure. Now, at the sight of the river, Bigwig’s assurance was leaking again and unless he, Hazel, could restore it in some way, they were likely to be in for trouble. He thought of the Threarah and his wily courtesy.[6] “I don’t know what we should have done without you just now, Bigwig,” he said. “What was that animal? Would it have killed us?” “A lendri[7],” said Bigwig. “I’ve heard about them in the Owsla. They’re not really dangerous. They can’t catch a rabbit that runs, and nearly always you can smell them coming. They’re funny things: I’ve heard of rabbits living almost on top of them and coming to no harm. But they’re best avoided, all the same. They’ll dig out rabbit kittens and they’ll kill an injured rabbit if they find one. They’re one of the Thousand[8], all right. I ought to have guessed from the smell, but it was new to me.” “It had killed before it met us,” said Blackberry with a shudder. “I saw the blood on its lips.” “A rat, perhaps, or pheasant chicks. Lucky for us it had killed, otherwise it might have been quicker. Still, fortunately we did the right thing. We really came out of it very well,” said Bigwig. Fiver came limping down the path with Pipkin. They, too, checked and stared at the sight of the river. “What do you think we ought to do now, Fiver?” asked Hazel. Fiver looked down at the water and twitched his ears. “We shall have to cross it,” he said. “But I don’t think I can swim, Hazel. I’m worn out, and Pipkin’s a good deal worse than I am.” “Cross it?” cried Bigwig. “Cross it? Who’s going to cross it? What do you want to cross it for? I never heard such nonsense.” Like all wild animals, rabbits can swim if they have to; and some even swim when it suits them. Rabbits have been known to live on the edge of a wood and regularly swim a brook to feed in the fields beyond. But most rabbits avoid swimming, and certainly an exhausted rabbit could not swim the Enborne. “I don’t want to jump in there,” said Speedwell. “Why not just go along the bank?” asked Hawkbit. Hazel suspected that if Fiver felt they ought to cross the river, it might be dangerous not to. But how were the others to be persuaded? At this moment, as he was still wondering what to say to them, he suddenly realized that something had lightened his spirits. What could it be? A smell? A sound? Then he knew. Nearby, across the river, a lark had begun to twitter and climb. It was morning. A blackbird called one or two deep, slow notes and was followed by a wood pigeon. Soon they were in a gray twilight and could see that the stream bordered the further edge of the wood. On the other side lay open fields. |
第七章 蘭德里與河流(節選) 榛子從草地的另一頭跑了出來,沿著小路轉了個彎。他突然停下,一動不動,向后一蹲。在他的前面,比格威和蒲公英正站在陡峭的河岸邊,直鉤鉤地盯著眼前的河流。 實際上,這只是一條名叫安伯恩的小河,河寬12 至15 英尺(約合3.6 米至4.6 米),這個時節由于有了春雨的滋潤,河深僅有兩三英尺(不到一米),但是對兔子而言,這條小河是廣闊無垠的,遠遠超出了他們的想象。月亮幾乎完全落了下去,周圍一片漆黑,但是他們還能辨認出河水流過時微弱的反光,以及遠處一條生長著榛樹和赤楊木的細長地帶。遠處不知道從哪兒傳來了三四聲鳥叫,然后一切就寂靜下來了。 兔子們一個接一個地趕上來了,他們也停在岸邊,一聲不吭地盯著水面。一陣寒冷的微風吹過,一些坐著的兔子在微微發抖。 比格威終于忍不住說道:“這可真是個意外的驚喜啊,榛子,還是你在帶領我們進入這片林地時就已經預料到現在這個場景了啊?” 榛子意識到比格威可能會是一個棘手的人物。比格威絕對不是懦夫,但是他只有在能夠看清前進道路,并知道該怎么做的情況下才能保持冷靜沉穩。對他而言,困惑比危險更糟糕;當他感到困惑時,他通常會怒氣大發。前一天,菲爾的災難預言困擾著他,結果他怒氣沖沖地頂撞了首領斯里爾哈,離開了歐斯拉(首領居住地)。隨后,當他仍不確定是否應該離開兔子領地時,霍利上尉在關鍵時刻受到了襲擊,為他們的離開提供了一個完美的理由。此刻,在看到這條河流后,比格威又開始悲觀泄氣起來,除非他,榛子,能夠用某種辦法恢復比格威的信心,否則整個隊伍就可能會陷入麻煩之中。榛子想起了首領斯里爾哈及其老謀深算的殷勤禮節。 “比格威,剛才若是沒有你,我都不知道該怎么辦才好了,”他說道,“那是只什么動物?它會殺死我們嗎?” “那是一只蘭德里,”比格威答道,“我在歐斯拉時聽說過這種動物。他們并不十分危險。他們捉不到奔跑著的兔子,而且他們一靠近,你十有八九都能聞到他們的味道。他們是一種有趣的動物:我聽說有些兔子就居住在他們(的洞穴)之上,而且并沒有受到什么傷害。不過,最好還是躲著點他們。他們會挖兔子洞,叼出兔子幼崽。如果他們碰到受傷的兔子,也會將其殺死。畢竟,他們是1,000種動物中的一種嘛。剛才聞到他的氣味,我就應該知道是蘭德里的,但是我之前從來沒有真正聞到過他們的氣味?!?/p> “他在碰到我們之前就已經捕食過了,”黑莓不禁打了個冷戰,“我看到他的嘴唇上有殘留的血跡?!?/p> “也許是一只老鼠,也可能是野雞幼崽。幸虧他已經捕食過了,不然他行動可能會更迅速些。但是,更幸運的是,我們做了正確的決定。我們非常成功地逃離了這個險境,”比格威說道。 菲爾一瘸一拐地與皮普金沿著小路走到河岸邊,他們也仔細看了看眼前的景象,盯著這條小河。 “你認為我們現在應該怎么做,菲爾?”榛子問道。 菲爾低頭看著河水,扯了扯他的耳朵。“我們應該過河,”他說,“但是我認為我游不過去,榛子。我已經精疲力盡了,皮普金的情況比我還要糟糕許多?!?/p> “過河?”比格威大聲嚷嚷道,“過河?誰要過河?。磕銥槭裁匆^河?我從來沒聽見過這么荒謬的話。” 與其他野生動物一樣,在緊急情況下,兔子也是會游泳的;一些兔子在心情愉悅時也會游泳玩耍。兔子住在森林邊上,經常需要游過小溪,到對面的田野中進食。但是絕大多數兔子盡量避免游泳,而且已經精疲力盡的兔子是根本不可能游過安伯恩河的。 “我可不想跳進那兒,”舒比度說道。 “為什么不沿著河岸走呢?”霍克比問道。 榛子想道,如果菲爾認為他們應該到河對岸去,那么他們不去就可能會有危險。但是他應該如何勸服其他兔子呢?在他還在思考應該說什么時,他突然想到了什么,這令他壓力倍減。這會是什么呢?是一種氣味?還是一種聲音?他突然茅塞頓開。 隔江相望,不遠處一只云雀開始在枝頭蹦蹦跳跳,吱吱地叫。清晨降臨,一兩聲黑鸝悠遠低沉的叫聲傳來,一只斑尾林鴿隨后也開始叫喚起來。不久,他們就沐浴在黎明淡淡的晨光之中,他們看見小溪緊挨著一片林木,而對岸則是開闊的田地。 (來源:英語學習雜志) |
Vocabulary: 1. dead: 完全地;haunch: 腰部,臀部。 2. set: (太陽、月亮等的)落沉。 3. at length: 最終,最后。 4. perplexity: 困惑,混亂。其形容詞是perplexed,意為“困惑的,不知所措的”。 5. capital: 重要的,關鍵的。 6. wily: 狡猾的,詭計多端的;courtesy: 禮節,恩惠。 7. lendri: 音譯為“蘭德里”,是本書作者想象出來的一種動物,有些類似于現實中的獾類動物。 8. the Thousand: 上一章蒲公英講述了兔子祖先的故事,本來地球上所有動物都是吃草的素食動物,但是后來兔子繁衍過快,創世神弗里斯賦予了1000種動物不同的本領,讓他們以兔子為食,從此像狐貍、狼等動物才開始捕殺兔子。 |
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