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[ 2008-03-13 16:10 ]

推進兩國關系 to boost relations between the two countries

把中日關系納入到一個長期、健康、穩定發展的軌道 to place the Sino-Japanese bilateral relations on a long-term, health and stable development track

完善交流機制 to improve the mechanism of exchanges

東海問題 the East China Sea issue

就某個問題達成共識 to reach consensus on an issue

本著冷靜、公正、客觀、科學的態度開展協作調查 to conduct coordinated investigation in a cool-headed, fair, objective and scientific manner

中日兩國食品安全合作的長效機制 a long-term China-Japan food safety cooperation mechanism


致力于與非洲國家發展新型戰略伙伴關系 committed to a new strategic partnership with African countries

真誠友好、平等相待、相互支持、共同發展 sincerity, friendship, equality, mutual support, and common development

將他們的資源優勢化為發展優勢to translate their advantages in resources into advantages in development

把潛在的優勢變為現實的優勢 to translate the potential advantages into real advantages

溫室氣體排放和氣候變化 greenhouse gas emission and climate change

占據道義的制高點 to take on moral high ground

不能只講總量不講人均,不能只講當前不看歷史,不能只講生產不講消費 to look at not only the aggregate, but also per capita figures, not only the present but also the history, not only production but also consumption

巴厘路線圖 the Bali Road Map


西藏是中國的一部分 Tibet is an inalienable part of China

達賴問題 The Dalai Lama issue

達賴企圖分裂中國的圖謀 the Dalai Lama's conspiracy to split Tibet from China

第七屆亞歐首腦會議 The Seventh Asia Europe Meeting

進一步加強亞歐在國際問題上的協作,深化雙方經貿領域合作 to further improve the cooperation between Asia and Europe in international affairs as well as in economy and trade

推進各種不同文明之間的對話 to promote the dialogue among different civilizations


中國在執行死刑制度的時候是十分謹慎的,采取了非常認真、負責的態度 China's position on death penalty is very prudent, serious and responsible

收回死刑的核準權 to take back the power of reviewing death penalty


戰略協作伙伴關系 strategic partnership of cooperation

《中俄睦鄰友好合作條約》 Sino-Russian Good-Neighborly Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation

進一步加強高層交流機制 to further boost high-level contacts and exchanges

加大在對方核心利益上的彼此支持 to enhance support for each other, particularly on issues concerning each other's core interests

進一步推進經貿合作to expand trade and economic cooperation

擴大人文交流 to enhance exchanges in humanistic sectors

“俄語年” "year of Russian language"

“漢語年” "year of Chinese language"


把奧運會政治化 to politicize the Olympics

抹黑中國 to tarnish the image of China

非政治化是《奧林匹克憲章》所規定的 Non-politicization has been provided for in the Olympic Charter

體育強國 a world sports power

體育大國 a major sports country

打破世界紀錄 to break a world record

采取一系列有力措施 to take a full range of effective measures


今后五年,國際形勢將會變得更加復雜,其中有積極的因素,也有消極的因素。 The international situation will become more complex in next five years with both positive and negative factors.

化挑戰為機遇,變機遇為現實 to meet challenges and translate them into opportunities, and opportunities into reality

全面合作伙伴關系 comprehensive and cooperative partnership

朝鮮半島核問題 Korean Peninsula nuclear issue

實現半島無核化 to realize Korean Peninsula denuclearization

保持半島的和平穩定 to maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula

實現東北亞的和諧 to achieve harmony in northeast Asia

進一步擴大雙方在經貿、科技、文化、教育、衛生等各個領域的合作 to deepen cooperation in science and technology, culture, education and health sectors

加強在國際和地區事務上的溝通、協調和合作 to step up coordination in international and regional affairs

符合兩國人民根本利益 in line with the fundamental interests of the two peoples

推進六方會談 to push forward the six-party talks


中國愿意在平等和相互尊重的基礎上同美國進行人權對話 China is ready to hold human rights dialogue with the US side on the basis of equality and mutual respect

堅決反對固守“冷戰”思維 be strongly opposed to the practices of clinging to the Cold War mentality

以意識形態劃線 to draw lines according to ideology

在人權問題上搞對抗、搞雙重標準 to launch confrontation and exercise double standards on human rights issues

利用人權問題干涉中國內政 to interfere in China's domestic affairs in the name of human rights


經濟全球化 economic globalization

外資企業 foreign companies

中外合資企業 Sino-foreign joint ventures

貨物貿易順差 surplus in commodity trade

服務貿易順差 surplus in service trade

貿易逆差 trade deficit

貿易順差 trade surplus




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