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Friends 1 《老友記》1(精講之八)
[ 2006-11-15 09:25 ]

影片對白  You're watching a football game at a funeral?

文化面面觀  Traditional Funerals in contemporary North America



In many traditions, a meal or other gathering following the burial service, either at the decedent's church or another off-site location.


Etiquette dictates the bereaved and other attendees at a funeral wear semi-formal clothing-such as a suit and tie for men or a dress for women-in a darker color (usually, gray, dark blue or black). Wearing short skirts, low-cut tops, or, at Western funerals, a large amount of white (other than a button-down shirt or blouse, or a military uniform) is often seen as disrespectful. Women who are grieving the death of their husband or a close partner sometimes wear a veil to conceal the face, although the veil is not common now.

It is a distinct rudeness to leave a mobile telephone on audible mode at a funeral service, as its ringing automatically interrupts the service.

Memorial services

Increasingly, traditional funerals are being replaced by memorial services. These are often less formal than a traditional funeral, and include such things as eulogies, music and fellowship. A member of the clergy often participates in these services, usually to open and close the proceedings and offer prayers and a brief message of comfort.



1. 真的很遺憾,但是我要離開了,因為我不能接受你對待我的方式。
2. 我需要你給我介紹一個合適的對象。
3. 他們自貶形象,說:"我配不上她,"而不是說"我知道如何制造吸引力。"
4. 女為悅己者容。

Friends 1 《老友記》1(精講之七)考考你 參考答案

1. 如果激情不在了,你還會像以前那樣愛我嗎?
Will you love me as usual if passion burns out?

2. 和他分手后的整整一個月,我都處于崩潰的邊緣。
For the whole month after he left me, I was on the edge of breaking down.

3. 你不真心去愛的話,怎么知道會失去什么呢?
Without seriously engage yourself in love, how do you know what to miss out on?

4. 你愛上了自己的老板,不是自找麻煩嗎?
Aren't you messing yourself up by falling in love with your boss?

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