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[ 2006-09-26 08:32 ]

A girl has her photograph taken with Thai soldiers in front of a tank in Bangkok.

Thai media reported that troops had been told to "keep smiling," and newspapers were filled with pictures of soldiers demonstrating weaponry to curious crowds.

Army radio broadcasts are reminding soldiers to be friendly and courteous, especially to children and anyone who wants to take pictures with them.

The Bangkok Post said coup leader General Sonthi Boonyaratglin had urged the troops to smile to help the image of the country's new military leadership.

It carried a front page photograph of four smiling female military police outside the junta headquarters -- saying the mood had lightened since they replaced their male counterparts.

The coup late Tuesday passed off without violence and people living in Bangkok have given food and flowers to soldiers posted around the capital.

"People have shown overwhelming support for the soldiers," the army radio station said Saturday.

"There is no need to tell them to smile or be friendly because military are part of the people," said a spokesman for the junta. "After finishing doing their duty they are back to living as normal Thai people."

Many Thais have described this as the friendliest coup the country has ever seen. Thailand has a history of violent military coups, and the last one in 1991 ended with at least 50 pro-democracy demonstrators gunned down in Bangkok.













pass off : 進行;舉行;發生(如:The meeting passed off without disturbance.會議沒有干擾的順利開成。)

post: to occupy someplace by soldiers (駐扎;派駐)











  貪官被罷之“vox poli(民眾心聲)”
  茱莉前夫吐心聲 尊敬茱莉情不變