Beijingners join English-learning campaign [ 2006-05-17 08:52 ] 近日,在朝陽公園舉辦了北京市民一年一度的英語party--“北京市民外語活動周”。據(jù)粗略估計有超過5萬的群眾參加了此次活動。組委會精心策劃了全市市民講外語活動成果展示、名家講座、名人見面、有獎互動游戲、現(xiàn)場簽售、多語種外語角、愛心捐贈活動、現(xiàn)場招募志愿者、媒體現(xiàn)場直播、各類英語大獎賽現(xiàn)場報名等10大類活動,并特別加入了奧運主題和北京英語水平考試等新鮮元素,使得本次外語活動周與時代主題緊緊扣在了一起。精心設(shè)計的活動吸引了廣大市民的熱情參與,取得了大家的認可。市民排隊領(lǐng)取組委會免費發(fā)放的《奧運英語100句》成為現(xiàn)場一道靚麗的風(fēng)景。
Citizens line up to get English booklet.
Some 50,000 citizens flocked into Chaoyang Park in the eastern Beijing to
kick off the annual campaign promoting English-learning.
Declaring the "English-learning Week" open, Beijing Vice Mayor Zhang Mao made
a speech in English, noting that the municipal government has encouraged
Beijingners to learn and use foreign languages with an aim to successfully host
the 29th Olympic Games.
As a result of the massive participation in recent years, the number of the
citizens who can speak foreign languages may reach four million this year, most
of whom being public servants and the workers at the service sector, campaign
organizers said.
Lectures, meetings with well-known persons, interactive games, book sales,
foreign language corners and donations featured the campaign which attracted
also representatives of education agencies of foreign countries, foreign
students and foreign businessmen in Beijing, embassy staff as well as overseas
A highlight of the activity was the recruitment of foreign language
volunteers, who will go into neighborhoods to help learners resolve their
public servants:公務(wù)員