Paralympic Games [ 2006-05-09 14:48 ]
The IPC's mission is to enable athletes with a disability to achieve sporting
excellence and to inspire the world. Whereas other international sports
organisations for athletes with a disability are limited either to one
disability group or to one specific sport, the International Paralympic
Committee (IPC) - as an umbrella organisation - represents all sports and
disabilities. The national sports organisations that created the IPC believe
that the future of disability sport lies in bringing together athletes with
different handicaps to hold joint competitions.
殘疾人奧林匹克運動的歷史相對較短,可以追溯到1948年路德維格·古特曼爵士(Sir Ludwig
The history of the Paralympic movement is relatively new and goes back to
1948, when Sir Ludwig Guttmann introduced the first Stoke Mandeville Games for
World War II veterans with spinal cord-related injuries. Later, other disability
groups also established their international sports organisations, which arranged
various competitions.
殘奧會是為6類不同的殘疾人士共同舉辦的高水平體育運動會。參加殘奧會的運動員殘疾類別有:視力殘疾、截肢、脊髓損傷、腦癱、其它肢體殘疾和智力殘疾。殘奧會一直與奧運會同年舉辦,而自從1988年漢城夏奧會和1992年阿爾貝維爾冬奧會以來,殘奧會的舉辦場館也與奧運會相同。 2000年10月,國際奧委會與國際殘疾人奧委會在悉尼奧運會上簽署協議,確定了兩個組織之間未來關系的基本原則。2001年6月,雙方進一步簽署協議,以保障殘奧會的組織形式,并確立奧運會和殘奧會"同時申辦,同城舉行"的實踐模式,即當一個城市申辦奧運會同時申辦殘奧會。該協議涉及殘奧會的總體范疇和組織工作,旨在為奧運會和殘奧會的組織舉辦建立類似的原則。
The Paralympic Games have always been held in the same year as the Olympic
Games. Since the Seoul Summer Games (1988) and the Albertville Winter Games
(1992), they have also taken place at the same venues as the Olympic Games. On
19 June 2001, an agreement was signed between the International Olympic
Committee and the IPC aiming to secure and protect the organisation of the
Paralympic Games. The agreement reaffirmed that the Paralympic Games, from 2008
on, will always take place shortly after the Olympic Games, using the same
sports venues and facilities. From the 2012 bid process onwards, the host city
chosen to host the Olympic Games will be obliged to host the Paralympics as