1. Are you all right? 你好嗎?
絕對想不到“Are you all right?”還可以用來打招呼吧?其實這可是英國人最常用的打招呼句子,比“How are you?”還要流行哦!例如:
Are you all right, David?
Fine, thank you.
2. Cheers! 謝謝,再見!
我們干杯的時候常說Cheers!,以示賓主盡歡。當英國人下公車、買完東西的時候,他們常常對司機和售貨員說“Cheers!”,來代替Thank you 和
Five pounds fifty, please. Cheers!
3. Give me a minute! 請稍等一會!
說到“稍等一會”,我們立刻想到的就是wait a minute,意思也是不錯的。但是英國人會說“Give me a minute!”,例如:
Give me a minute, David! I will find the map for you.
4. I am behind you. 我支持你
“I am behind you.”這句話真的是非常明白的表示了“一個成功的男人背后必定有一個女人”的意思。說到“我支持你”,可能很多人都會想到“I
support you.”,可就是想不到“I am behind you.”吧。例如:
Whatever decision you are going to make, I am behind you.
5. Do you really mean it? 此話當真?
當別人許諾要給你什么好處的時候,你一定會以為是天上掉餡餅了,所以禁不住要問一句:Do you really mean it?
I can give what you want.
Do you really mean it?
Yes, I mean it!
6. Get on with it! 快點!
大家一起出去玩,有個人卻總是磨磨蹭蹭的,害得所有人都要趕不上車。這時候你就可以說get on with it來催促他。例如:
Get on with it, we have no time left!
7. Get a move on! 趕快行動吧!
記得看戰斗片的時候,指揮作戰的軍官總是一邊跑著,一邊對士兵大喊:Move! Move! Move!
Get a move on and help yourself to some food!