
您現在的位置: > En_language tips > News English > Hot Word > Politics Hot Word Dec 26, 2005

  lash out: 嚴厲斥責


請看外電報道:A combative Saddam Hussein lashed out Monday at his treatment by American "occupiers and invaders" and lectured the chief judge about leadership as his trial resumed in a rambling and unfocused session.

報道中lash out指的是“猛烈抨擊、嚴厲斥責”,常和at連用,表示“對…猛烈抨擊”,例如,The article lashed out at social injustice.(這篇文章對社會上的不公平現象進行了猛烈抨擊。);It seemed that he was going to lash out at her, but he controlled himself.(他似乎就要斥責她了,但馬上又控制住了自己。)

Lash out 還有“猛擊、猛踢”的意思,如:He lashed out at them with his fists.(他用拳頭猛揍他們。)
