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Referendum: 公民投票


法國和荷蘭分別在日前舉行的全民公決中否決了《歐盟憲法條約》,這引起了包括土耳其在內的一些國家對歐盟擴大進程的擔憂。外電報道如下:Turks joke bitterly that the only reason the European Union agreed to open decade-long accession talks with the overwhelmingly Muslim nation was that the EU might not exist in 10 years. Now, with voters in France and the Netherlands rejecting the EU constitution, the joke is looking more like reality.

The votes show an unwillingness to accept the bloc's expansion to include new members - in particular, a poor and culturally different country like Turkey.

"Without a doubt, the result of these referendums is going to affect" further expanding the 25-member EU to include countries such as Turkey, Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos said Thursday.




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